
linnéa eiwor mathilda

Ask @MitternachtCosplay

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How long have you and Erik been together and how did you meet? :)

I have answered this before but I can do it again because it's a -really- funny story.
We met for the first time at UppCon.08. I was 16 at that time, I think. UC08 was my second con ever and I was cosplaying Suiseiseki from Rozen Maiden. It was a shitty ass costume but it was my first real sewing project and I was so -damn proud- over it.
Anyway, so at the day for the cosplay competition, me and maybe seven other cosplayers have been grouped together to wait in a room for our turn to be interviewed by the judges. We're all pretty nervous.
One girl turns to me and looks at my watering pot, which is part of my costume, and says "Oh, that's a lovely watering pot!". I was, as I said, sixteen at that time, and when I was sixteen I would respond to a compliment with "Omg it's noooooot it's so uuuuugly" because fuck being able to take comments.
So, then all of a sudden this random dude (dressed as Rem from Death Note) turns around and butts into our conversation. He says "Oh, you were the girl who posted on the UppCon forums about a watering pot, right? You needed advice on which paint to use?".
I am already pretty pissed at this guy for interrupting this girl's fawning over my damn gorgeous watering pot, but I turn around and grin at him, lifting my watering pot so that he can see how absolutely STUNNING it is. "Yeah but I solved it, and it turned out okay!" (16-y.o. me is modest like shit trying to fish for compliments). So then, I expect him to do what everyone else had done during that convention when I neglected a compliment; go "OOOOH NO it's BEAUTIFUL don't just say okay!".
Only he didn't. He said; "Yeah it looks okay."
Okay? OKAY!? I PUT MY SOUL INTO THAT DAMN WATERING POT. Tell you what I was so mad I started boiling, so I just turned around and started sulking (16-y.o. me was very mature) and decided on that spot that I hated that damn Death Note idiot. I quickly started trashtalking him to my closest friends, because 16-y.o. me was a little bitch.
So fast forward. About two month after the con, I'm in a meeting with some other organizers working to build a convention in Jönköping (that's right, this is when KultCon started to happen). All of a sudden the chairman says that she's invited a new member to the group, that he's a skilled cosplayer and has a lot of con experience. He also lives here in Jönköping. I got excited, of course, more cosplayers in Jönköping!
But then fucking Erik walked in that door. And even though I hated him for like two months, I actually found out that he was a really nice guy (even though I had been hating him for almost half a year). We became fast friends, and started hanging out with each other. On February 2:nd 2009 we became a couple.
It's almost five years since then, and when I remember how that little bitch 16-y.o. me acted I feel so ashamed, haha. What can I say, I was an idiot and look where it led me :)

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Do you believe in aliens? If so, do you think they know about us?

Nimdra’s Profile PhotoNimdra
Hm, not sure if I believe in the public image of aliens, it's more like it would be idiotic for anyone to claim that earth is the -only- habitable planet in the entire universe. It doesn't make sense. In such a vast universe there has got to be life somewhere else than our shitty little planet.
Liked by: Nimdra

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favorit plats i Sverige du varit på?

Alltsåååå jag är en såndär tråkig som älskar min egen stad, haha, Jönköping är en av mina favoritplatser i Sverige faktiskt. Annars har jag en sweetspot för Uppsala! Spenderade väldigt mycket tid där förra året då min pojkvän bodde där, och det var fett mysigt, har så många kompisar i det området också.
Mer specifika platser så älskar jag Kangelåsen, vår sommarstuga i Dalarna. Och skärgården på Tättö där mina morföräldrar har en husvagn.
Vätterstranden är definitivt en favorit också. Inte själva stranden per say, utan den steniga hamnen nedanför min mammas hus. Best place <3

tycker du borde göra någit slags tutorial nästa gång du gör nå zombie/latex smink grejs c:

Jag har funderat på det! Har massa bilder och sånt som jag skulle kunna använda, finns det intresse för det så absolut :)

What things do you love?

Cosplay plotting! Speculating which materials to use, fabrics to buy and tools to get. Also planning groups or duo-cosplays, it's the beeeeest. I'm one if those social cosplayers that rather cosplay in groups/pairs than alone.
Liked by: freytime

What will you never do?

Anything that goes against my standards or beliefs. I respect myself too much to fall for pressure and do things I don't want to do.
I have certain views and standards on many topics and whatever happens I won't betray those, *sounds like a bad shonen anime lol*.

How do you find time for studies, work and cosplay? *-*

I don't haha. Nah but I got my priorities, school > work > cosplay. I only allow myself to cosplay when I have nothing school or work related to do. But it's hard! I go to school every weekday and work two weekends in a month, so it's all a matter of scheduling and planning really :)
Liked by: Debbie

What makes you strong?

I make myself strong. You can have as much help from your surroundings as you wish, but in the end you are always the one that makes you stronger.

How do you act towards people you hold grudges against? As in, are you rude or just girly-fake (acting like a friend while you actually dislike the person). Also, are there any reason to why you dislike a person? Or does it just happen? I kinda feel like I'm on your bad side, that's why I'm asking!

I usually just behave pretty uninterested when I meet them. I would never be rude, I just don't think it's worth wasting my energy on people I don't like.
I dislike people who lie to me, talk behind my back and/or meddle with things that they have no business in. I also strongly dislike people who think they are flawless and always without fault. Those qualities are a huge turn-off for me. To summarize; people usually notice when I'm pissed at them.
However, I would appreciate if you'd tell me your name since I don't feel so great knowing people think I'm pissed at them? From what I recall I haven't been really pissed at anyone in a long time, so please come forward and tell me who you are. I won't be mad.

Hi, my name is Kate and I'm trying to become as good of a cosplayer as you. I was wondering, where did you learn all of your makeup skills? How do you make your armor?

Aww aren't you the cutest <3
I am as much self-taught as you can possibly ge0 when it comes to cosmetics. I was terrible at "real" makeup in high school and felt so awkward and noob'y every day trying to make my face pretty. But then I started playing around with it a lot at home and learned from my mistakes. It's important to not be afraid of failing!
I still think it's harder to coordinate a good "pretty" makeup than an exquisite zombie makeup, but that's just me. My best advice is just to buy a lot of cheap makeup and use it to go crazy! It's super okay to mimic or copy another persons makeups at first, that's how you learn! Just be sure to leave credit where credit is due.
*Have a good concept in mind
*Gather all your makeup stuff around you and stand in front of a mirror
*Go bananas
*Think of your face as a white paper that you need to draw a painting on
Tip: You can work miracles with a good eyeshadow palette (they have sooo many more uses than just for shadowing the eyes) and a liquid eyeliner/eyeliner pen!
I have made a lot of armor! Is there a specific one you're asking about? :)

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Liked by: freytime

Vad är det mest pinsamma du har gjort under en föreläsning?

"For the Horde" började spela svinhögt av absolut ingen som helst anledning en gång mitt under en föreläsning. Det var fint.
Liked by: SIZ

Vad är dina planer för nyår?!

Wow jag hör till de där som planerar allt i sista minuten, och eftersom de flesta av mina kompisar är likadana så brukar det inte bestämmas vilka fester som finns att välja mellan förrän veckan innan kanske haha. Som tur är jobbar jag inte på nyårsdagen i år iaf lol.

Are you afraid of people?

Not as much as I'm irritated with people a lot haha. Some people can really piss me off and I'm great at holding grudges (sadly). If anyone gets on my bad side they usually stay there for a while. It sucks but that's just how I work.
And no, I'm not really afraid of people. I'm pretty good at finding people's weak spots (another ability I'm not very proud of) so I haven't really had any problems with that.


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