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Ask @MitternachtCosplay

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En Nuada bild tack! :D

Åh alltså nu var du för snabb, jag har inte fått tillbaka alla bilder vi tog än.
Fråga igen om några dagar så får du en gif på Erik's fucking eyebrow game så länge <3
Liked by: Debbie

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När senast log du stort och vad fick dig att le såpass stort? =)

Igår på Comic Con när min pojkvän var en sexig alv. Så satans snygg att jag orkar inte med honom.
Akta er vad jag ska spamma bilder på honom inom de närmaste dagarna. Bäst att ni börjar fråga om bilder på Erik som Nuada redan nu, för jävlar vad bilder jag har.

Yo yo yo. Kan du ta massa bilder på comicon gamex?

Jag kommer förmodligen vara för upptagen av att cosplaya och hänga med vänner för att ha tid att själv ta några kort, förhoppningsvis kommer andra fota :D

Can you truly love more than one person?

Of course, love is unlimited. However, the degree of love and even the kind of love may change depending on the person. I love my boyfriend, but not in the same way I love my little sister.
I'm of the maybe naive view that we have an unlimited supply of love, and we may chose to hand it out in whichever way and direction we want to :)

lol,you didn't understand my question, how dare you? :D :D ok,i'll explain:you know,when you were little an you did something that you weren't allowed to, your parents put you over their knee and slapped you on the bottom.That's a spanking. My question was, if you ever got spanked on the bare bum.

Liked by: Debbie

How come that all cosplayers start using social medias more when the deadline is coming closer? Why not start doing your frikking costume instead of procrastinate? You will just feel more and more stressed, and then be sorry that you procrastinated so much. Why you never learn?

Because I have a life. Cosplay is a hobby, like maybe 30% of my life. I have sooo many other hobbies and interests and friends outside of cosplay, so why on earth would I spend all my free time on something that's only a small part of me? Of course I upload more progress days before a con, it's as natural as studying more for a test the closer the test gets.
Being an adult has it pros and cons, but responsibility is the most important thing of all. It would not be very responsible of me to only focus on cosplay every day.

Do you play an instrument? Which?

I actually play some piano, and I also sing. However I have too low self esteem to believe that I'm actually good at any of them lol.
Liked by: Selma Siggelin


Language: English