
linnéa eiwor mathilda

Ask @MitternachtCosplay

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i wana kiss yuo. i raelly wana kiss yuo rite now. i love my bear, i love my beer yas i do. i didnt do noting. i didnt do a dam thing. i raely wana kiss yuo rite now, yuore so baeutiful. can i kiss you?

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What makes you sad?

This is a hard question to answer right now, seeing as my grandfather died a few days ago and right now I'm caught in a loop of sadness and grief. So obviously, that is what makes me sad right now.
Speaking more generally, injustices make me really sad. Things that are so unfair it's not even funny, but that you can do nothing about. Such as when the best, kindest people you know get hurt or mistreated. Or when something uncalled for happens that you can do NOTHING about, other than just let it happen.
For me though, uncertaintyh really makes me sad. Sad, anxious and paranoid. I hate not having 100% control of a situation. I'm a major control freak who needs to have a good view over every situation, scouting all available options, exits, people and paths. It grants me major disconfort when I cannot control a situation. Vain as it might sound, it's a real flaw and I am hence really bad at controlling chaotic and stressful situations.

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Om man vill cosplaya en mörkhyad person, som Pocahontas, vilket typ av smink tycker du jag bör ha? Jag vill inte att folk ska ta illa upp av att man som vit sminkar sig som mörkhyad så det inte blir för överdrivet. Har sett sådana statusar på fb :/

Det där är jättesvårt och ett hett debattämne. Å ena sidan tycker några att det inte är okej att betona vissa karaktärsdrag och hudfärg då det anses förolämpande, och å andra sidan anser andra att det är MER förolämpande om man låter bli att sminka hudfärg trots att karaktären uppenbart har annan hudfärg. Vissa menar att det inte är konstigare än att måla sig blå eller grön, medan andra menar det motsatta. Det bästa man kan göra är att bilda sig en egen uppfattning baserat på fakta och gedigna åsikter från de som är insatta och berörda.
För att svara mer generellt på din sminkfråga; till hudsmink använder man sig av olika beroende på hur mycket man ska sminka. Ska du sminka hela kroppen rekommenderar jag airbrushsmink; det sitter bra, och går framförallt väldigt snabbt att applicera. Ska du bara sminka ansiktet räcker det med fetsmink/cremesmink med bra fixerpuder (Grimas och Kryolan är två bra märken). Vill du ha smink som sitter som berget ska du ha alkoholbaserat smink, som aktiveras med 99% isopropanol/IPA-alkohol. Den sjunker in direkt i huden.
Du måste nog vara lite mer specifik över hur mycket hud du ska täcka för att jag ska kunna svara bra :)

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Liked by: Bella Doda☭ Sindre

I love you, hun. Keep fighting.

Thank you, anon. I'm going through a really tough time right now, I appreciate your support a lot.

What do you splurge on?

What don't I splurge on.
Makeup, cosplay, shoes, figurines, dolls, furniture, gifts, fancy food, cosplay, wigs, candy crush (didisaythat), julmust, gas, cosplay, sfx-stuff, fabric, games and did I mention cosplay.
Liked by: Supernova ☆彡

How do you keep yourself busy on a rainy day?

Last time it rained I played Borderlands 2 with my bf aaaaaall day, and in the evening we watched a movie and cuddled. Best rainy day <3
Liked by: Debbie Evelina

Vad är höjden av lathet?

Att sitta i soffan och precis ska till att sätta igång en film, när man inser att datorn fyra meter bort står och spelar Spotify på högsta volym. Det är ju sjukt långt att gå fyra meter när man sitter skönt i soffan, så man sträcker sig efter mobilen som bara ligger en halvmeter bort, och startar Spotify på den istället (eftersom Spotify bara kan spelas på en enhet i taget så pausas musiken på datorn.)
Stänger av ljudet på mobilen och startar filmen. Mission complete.

What do you do with costumes you are done with? How do you store your costumes? Do you have any costumes which are done/almost done and have been for a while but you haven't worn? Why haven't you worn them yet? Are you planning on it?

Wow so many questions
--What do you do with costumes you are done with? How do you store your costumes?
Sometimes I put parts of it on display - both my Griffith swords hangs on the wall over my bed, my Band of the Hawk flag is on my bedroom wall and my Greyjoy banner is on the wall over my sofa. A lot of my more odd headpieces that aren't as easily stored (Rabbit, Sylvari, Maleficent) are simply put on wig stands/wig heads on shelves. As for the larger parts of the costumes, they are stored in cardboard boxes and put in my storage room in the basement of my apartment complex.
Sometimes I wear the costumes again, but mostly I only wear it one or two times, don't know why. I guess I get bored easily. I always try to take care of the costumes after I have worn it though, in case I want to wear it again! Some costumes I've had to burn or throw away over the years though, simply because they were too large (such as my robot costumes, Transformers and parts of Siam). In those cases I've kept just my favorite pieces :)
--Do you have any costumes which are done/almost done and have been for a while but you haven't worn? Why haven't you worn them yet? Are you planning on it?
Not really, no. I used to before, but nowadays my work pattern doesn't allow it. When I fall for a costume that I really want to make, I finish it, simple as that. Sometimes it's a long term project, in which case I store finished parts in my storage room or in the workshop while I work on the remaining pieces.
However, I often buy stuff that I know I will use for future cosplays. For exmaple, I bought a whole set of beautiful rhinestones on a flea market some weeks ago because they would be perfect for Nabooru, the day I make her. So I have an entire cardboard box full of shit like fabric, props, accessories and other things that will be used for cosplay one day :)

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