
linnéa eiwor mathilda

Ask @MitternachtCosplay

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Do you regret anything?

I regret a lot of things.
However, I'm of the strong belief that what's in the past is in the past.
The only thing you can ever do with things from the past, is learn from them. That's it. That's the only function regrets serve. They can't harm you, they can't put you down, they can't make you feel worse. The only thing regrets are truly capable of is giving you opportunities to learn how to never repeat them again.

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You there! Yes, you! I just wanted to tell/remind you that you're awesome, pretty, cool and all things good. Not going to say "never change", bevause that's up to you, but, like carry on being awesome, at least. I know tjat you can pull of The things you want, sooner or later! ALL the love to you

Dawwww, thank you anon! So sweet! You made me a happy princess tonight <3 have some hearts

What is the most interesting thing about your family?

We're all from Linköping originally so whenever we're together all of us slip into this horrible östgötska.

oh one more question but this time about makeup since you always make awesome stuff on your face! :D Have you any good brands you could recommend? For full face makeup. Keep up the good work! :3

Thank you!
I use a variety of brands, actually. I like Grimas and TEMPTU the best though, I'm not a sucker for Kryolan like many other makeup artists are. Never had any really good experiences with Kryolan.
For full face-makeup I usually use grease paint, namely Grimas. However grease makeup always needs to be sealed, so you'll need to invest in a good sealer. I also use TEMPTU alcohol-makeup, which you activate with alcohol, and doesn't rub off unless you use the same alcohol again.
But all in all it depends on which type of makeup you're using; is it water based, grease paint, airbrush or alcohol activated? I can't really answer your question unless you give me more details ^^'

since you do armor a lot, where do you buy worbla and wonderflex? And what do you use for heating? I've checked a few sites that sell it but i'm not sure how much i should buy and which to choose. Also, do you tend to get custums? Haha oops.. sorry for so many questions! I'm a newbie at armor ^^'

I buy my stuff from either http://www.mycostumes.de/ (Germany) or http://www.cosplaysupplies.com/ (USA), depending on what I want and when. I don't think you can get Wonderflex from MyCostumes (I might be wrong on this), at least you couldn't before, so I order Wonderflex from Cosplaysupplies. Now I don't know which country you live in, anon, but if you live in for example Sweden, you'll get a customs fee from ordering outside of Europe. I always get my Worbla from MyCostumes, since they deliver fast and have fair prices. Nowadays you can also buy Worbla in Sweden, but it's almost equally expensive as it is ordering from MyCostumes, so I only do that if I run out of worbla and need more FAST.
I use a heat gun for heating the worbla, or a regular candle if there are tiny parts. You can also use a hair dryer if you don't have a heat gun, but it takes a lot more time. Candles are NOT good for large areas (I once tried lighting like ten candles in a bundle and heating the worbla on top of it, but the heat gets to focused over the flame so it doesn't work at all). For small pieces I use tweezers to hold the worbla over the flame, otherwise I'll burn myself :)
As for how much you need, I can't answer that without knowing what you're going to make, sorry ^^'
Customs as in shipping expenses or custom made worbla parts? Yes to both :P

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Liked by: Erik Pettersson

What personality trait do you admire in other people?

People who don't give a flying fuck about others opinions on them! People who just keep doing their thing with no care in the world what others might say about it, because in the end they know that they do it 100% for their own sake.
I am so jealous of those people it isn't even funny.

What materials do you make the armor/clothing out of usually for your cosplays? Ie. Alexstrasza.

It varies a lot depending on which costume we're talking about. I use different materials for different types of armor.
For clothing cosplay I use fabric, simple as that. I use different types of fabric depending on which era the costume is from, how the material looks in the references and what is available.
For armor I tend to use worbla for shape-y costumes and accessories, Wonderflex for straighter, more symmetrical costumes, cloth-covered foam for smaller parts that needs to be comfortable and a variety of other techniques for other costumes as well.
Alexstrasza was made with metallic fabric on top of craft foam, simple as that. I wanted something comfortable to move around in, and the metallic fabric simulated her metallic armor pretty good. If I would have redone the costume today I probably would have used worbla with acrylic paint instead, though.
Griffith was made out of Wonderflex since I needed to do a lot of carving in the materials to get all the feathers, and since Wonderflex is thicker than Worbla it was easier to use. Wonderflex is also harder to bedn and shape, which makes it ideal for large, flat surfaces and parts, which Griffith has a lot of.
My Sylvari and Maiev was made out of worbla, because both have pretty curved and shapely armor, which is easier with Worbla because it's more flexible than Wonderflex. Worbla also concists of only plastic, which allows you to use it as a dough or paste and knead and shape it into different forms, while Wonderflex is both plastic AND a thin layer of fabric, making it much sturdier but unable to sculpt with.
If you're interested in more, I'm working on a few armor tutorials up on my blog, which will be up in a week or so, feel free to check it out if you want to :)

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Du är en fantastisk människa som har flera underbara egenskaper....vilken av dem är du mest stolt över? =) Och kom inte med "jag är inte fantastisk", folk uppskattar dig som tusan och det vet jag för jag känner en massa som tycker om dig något så...så svara bara på frågan ;)

Oj shit vad söt du är, haha. <3
Men gud vilken svår fråga, min första reaktion är ju faktiskt att svara att jag inte alls är fantastisk, men eftersom jag inte får det så....hm
Jag försöker väl intala mig själv att jag alltid är hjälpsam och trevlig mot de som förtjänar det. Och ibland även mot de som inte gör det. Jag kämpar väldigt hårt för att försöka ändra de negativa synerna som finns på cosplay inom det svenska communityt genom diverse metoder, haha. Är ett starkt fan av tron på att de personer som är duktiga på att nå ut till andra har ett visst ansvar att visa en bra sida av det de själva tror på.
Annars är jag vääääääl....oftast på bra humör? Det krävs väldigt mycket för att göra mig riktigt förbannad och oftast brukar jag inte visa det utåt till "oskyldiga", så det är många som säger att de aldrig sett mig arg, haha, vilket ju är bra i så fall.
Jag är också ganska bra på att läsa människor och placera dem i fack, hur pretentiöst det än låter. Jag har ett helt mentalt bibliotek med olika hyllor och fack där jag placerar, omplacerar och sorterar människor allt efter deras handlingar, personligheter eller åsikter. Det låter väl fett drygt, men det är attans så praktiskt och jag är övertygad om att vi alla gör det mer eller mindre omedvetet ;)
Jag är en jävel på fula selfies också.

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How did you meet your best friend?

When I was ten, the boy in my class that I was in love with was gonna move to another town. I was sad as fuck. THEN just as he moved we got a new girl in my class, and since I was little and stupid, I automatically came to the conclusion that she was REPLACING the boy I was in love with, and that he had to leave so that she could come to my class. Which was bullshit. But I disliked her a lot. Until one day we both realized that jumping into water puddles was the funniest thing in the WOOOORLD. From that moment we were bffs.

What are your major goals in life?

# To be able to do what I love. But to be able to do that, I must first:
# Have a job that I love. I want to have a job so that I can afford to do what I love, and if it's a job that I also like then that's just a bonus. When I have money and stability, I want to:
# Use the money I get from my job, to do what I love, with the people I love.

Can you miss someone you've never met in person? //To the followed

Of course you can. Nowadays communication is so much easier than it was before, and the time when people said you could only have feelings for someone you've met IRL is gone. I have friends which I have never met but that I speak to online for hours every day, and that I know better than many of the friends I meet IRL every day.

Top 5 sexiest anime girls AND guys ever created!

You know what, I rarely watch anime so I'm just gonna go ahead and change the question from anime* characters to fictional* characters. That's how rude I am.
1. Thane Krios, Mass Effect
Let's face it, I have a thing for reptilian, fish-like aliens. We'll get to that later. What makes Thane so sexy though isn't his leathered butt, abs or outstanding backstory, nope, it's his voice. Keythe Farley does the best job in video game history of getting gamers to fall in love with a character using his voice only. So many kudos.
2. Dark Mousy, DNAngel
My longest manga-crush. Dark is the most beautiful, sassiest and coolest character the entire series, and I'm -not- talking about that excuse for an anime now, no, I'm talking manga. He is so beautifully drawn with his wooshy hair and scary eyes and hnnnnnnng girl crush.
3. Griffith, Berserk
If it weren't for the fact that this man is a total dick, he would be a dream husbando. He's über pretty of course, but also very charismatic, has a gentleman demeanor, he's polite and kind. Also he's batshit crazy, meglomanic, selfish, possessive and egocentric.
4. Abe Sapien, Hellboy
Another one of my fish-men. I just love blue or green aquatic dudes. Abe is super smart, polite, awkward and a total dork. But he's also caring and understanding and Ican't tell you how awesome it would be to have a psychic empathic boyfriend.
5. Pyramid Head, Silent Hill
That's pretty much it.
1. Sylvanas, World of Warcraft
Because the Dark Lady isn't only incredibly beautiful, but also completely sassy and bossy. She pretty much ignores everyone else in her faction and only ares for her Forsaken babbies. I love everything about her backstory and personality. And her hips.
2. Nabooru, The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time
Nab is my all time girl-crush as much as Dark is my childhood guy crush. She's so freaking badass and snappy, and it's a total shame she doesn't have a larger role in the series. I love love love her character design and her appearance <3
3. Maleficent, Angelina Jolie version
Because holy shitballs Angelina is perfect.
4. Takius, Ragnarok the Animation
Takius was my favorite character back when I was younger and loved Ragnarok online. From the first time you'll see her in the anime to the end, she's always so calm and intelligent and completely badass. I love her haaaaaaair and her clothes and her general everything.
5. Lulu, Final Fantasy X
Same as with Takius, I love her calm personality and her protectiveness over Yuna. Her looks are to die for and every female cosplayer ever have spent at least an hour fangirling over her dress, I promise.

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Liked by: Linda

You stand in front of a four dimensional representation of your own mind. Everything you think, thought or will be thinking is available for you right there and then. Every emotion, sensation and ideas that you will ever experience available, at the cost of your life own life. Would you?

Totally depends on the situation. It would of course suck that I wouldn't be there to experience whatever happened, but if we're talking like the end of the world and the -only- way to save my family and friends was to do it, then maybe I would.

Fy fan så hemskt! :( Läste precis att ni blev bestulna på en bil och massa cosplays i våras. Fick ni någonsin tillbaka grejerna eller hittade den/dem skyldiga?

Nej tyvärr! Mest synd var det dock på bilen, dräkterna kan man alltid göra om även fast det svider. Som TUR VAR i mitt fall ändå så var det bara dräkter som jag redan haft på mig flera gånger och inte planerade att ha igen, men det är klart att det svider ändå. Särskilt som flera av våra vänner också hade dräkter i bilen just då :/
Man lägger ner väldigt mycket tid och pengar på cosplay och det är skitsurt när saker blir stulna, jag har tyvärr varit med om det vid flera tillfällen, men det kan jag berätta om nån annan gång :P

I'm sorry but it's been buggin' me; since when does Nuala have big, orange blotches around her eyes? You should try blending it out more and have less orange in general, and use more than one tone. Check up on some more ref. pictures and you'll hopefully see what I mean.

Lol I know! The problem is I didn't have any water based white face paint at home, only grease paint, which everyone knows blends poorly with eyeshadow (which I used for the shading). You simply can't get smudged edges with the combo :) also there is actually four different shades varying from red to peach, even though it doesn't really show in the photo. But it was only a makeup -test-, so don't you worry, little anon.


Language: English