
linnéa eiwor mathilda

Ask @MitternachtCosplay

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What made your day today?

I got the best birthday presents from one of my best friends today, a gift card at my favorite fabric store and a really cute snail measuring tape <3
Liked by: Summer

You mentioned something about weight-loss. As a person struggling with my own weight-loss I'd love to hear your story. How did you accomplish it, and what was your start weight if it's not too much to ask? :) TELL ME YOUR SECRET ♥

Two years ago, my parents divorced. It was as far from a happy divorce as you can possibly come. I won't go into details, just trust me when I tell you it was hell on earth. At the same time my boyfriend moved to the other side of the country, and I jumped head first into a really heavy depression. I coped with it by comfort eating a lot. Comfort eating is about the worst thing you can do, but it helped me at the time (or so I thought). I felt like shit, and as I started gaining weight I felt even shittier. At my "peak" I weighed around 82 kg (I'm 1,78 cm tall). For my height it isn't a huge number, but for me it was devastating. I still wouldn't call it over-weight, but it's just a bit more than I would like.
I am still struggling to lose wight, but finally I'm starting to see some progress and I'm so happy for that. The thing is, I have so little time in my life I barely have time to work out, so I try doing as much as I can outside of my work, school and hobbies, to lose weight. I stopped eating candy and chips, and stopped drinking soda and other soft drinks. I have always eaten small portions of food, but now I try to decrease them even more. I try to have in mind to not be lazy, like always take the stairs in stead of the elevator, walk instead of take the bus etc.
Small things like these don't lead to any huge decreases in weight, but as long as I'm dropping kilos and not gaining them I'm happy. I'm okay with it taking time, as long as I can look myself in the mirror each day and notice a difference, no matter how tiny it might be.

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Du är världsmästare i en idrott. Du behöver inte träna/anstränga dig eller ha fysiken för att utöva idrotten (tex behöver du inte ha en bodybuilder kropp för att vara stark). Vilken idrott skulle du vilja vara bäst i?

Dans. Har dansat sen jag var liten men pga två knän som ständigt går ur led var jag tvungen att sluta. Skulle så gärna vilja börja igen.

ingen är perfekt men du är fan så nära man kan komma! Du är otroligt, typ "wow" snygg, är fantastiskt duktig på allt du gör och har en jättefin personlighet. blir chockad över att du har dåligt självförtroende! Ser upp till dig massor och tycker att du ska älska dic själv mycket mer. Du är otrolig!!

Liked by: SID

Vad tycker du om det att en del skriver hjärtan i nästan varje mening när man chattar osv? Om man inte känner personen sådär jättebra.

Det beror väl på hur man är som person, tror jag. Jag själv skriver bara hjärtan när jag säger något som är menat att låta extra vänskapligt eller kärleksfullt, men det beror ju på person till person. Vissa kanske menar det som en snäll grej bara, andra kanske har värsta crushen på dig!

Weirdest thing that has happen at work?

I get payed to cosplay at my work. What could possibly be weirder?
(For the uninformed; i work st a cinema).
No but this one time I got to clean up a batgroom cause a baby had used his diaper as a paintbrush and painted the wall with baby poo.
Or when me and a colleague accidentally rewinded the entire Hobbit film from start so the audience were super confused.
Or when me and said colleague had a battle with the standees one night and ended up in a huuuuge pile of cardboard and popcorn.
A lot of weird stuff happens at my job.

Inte för att det är en fråga men du har fan bra smak när det gäller alkohol!

Man är väl student eller.

vad var det senaste någon sa som gjorde dig riktigt glad?

Det är faktiskt en ask här som jag ännu inte svarat på. Från en snäll anon som gav mig en fin komplimang.
Jag har världens sämsta självförtroende, och är jätteduktig på att hitta fel på mitt utseende, min vikt, mina dräkter och allt annat med. Så när jag får anons som säger snälla saker istället så blir jag alldeles fantastiskt glad <3

Ranka one piece, naruto och bleach efter hur du känner inför karaktärerna 8)

One Piece -> Naruto -> Bleach
I love One Piece. Det är den enda mangan jag fortfarande följer faktiskt. Älskar teckningsstilen, karaktärerna, berättarstilen, allt. Kommer vara die hard OP fan forever.
Naruto har jag inte läst sen jag var sexton, men det var den första mangan jag var RIKTIGT inne i. Också det första jag cosplayade från på konvent.
Bleach har jag aldrig gillat. Läste några volymer men gillar inte teckningsstilen eller storyn. Sorry :/

Har du några OTPs? 8)

Tycker ju egentligen att man bara kan ha en OTP men eftersom du bad om flera så;
Psst Guts/Griffith loljustkiddingorami
Liked by: Runolf Mel Bärlin

Favorite Disney movie? :D

Easy! Frozen and Beauty and the Beast.
Frozen because I connect to it on a personal level since I discovered Frozen in a very crucial turning point in my life when my life was mostly in turmoil. I related a lot to the story becasue in a way it was so much like my own life. I love Frozen not because of the apparent "feminist pov", but because of the beautiful animations, clothes, characters and songs. I'm not gonna deep-analyze Frozen and claim that it's a pioneer in Disney movies because it's not, but I love it for what it is - a beautiful children's film.
Beauty and the Beast because I love everything about it. The message, the animation style, characters, songs, everything. It has been a favourite movie of mine since I was a little girl, and I really don't need to explain why. Everyone knows this film and can guess why I love it <3

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Liked by: Supernova ☆彡 SIZ

What angers you the most?

People who use the phrase "DAT ASS". Let me tell you why.
It's not that it angers me the MOST of all in the WORLD, but it popped into my mind while reading this. And it's not just limited to "dat ass" either; it might equally refer to "dem boobs", "dat face" or whatever. But let's focus on DAT ASS for now.
It's not funny. I don't know how many of you who have actually had this thrown in your face, but I can tell you that it isn't funny at all. People seem to think of this phrase as a twisted form of compliment, from what I have understood. But more often than not it has the complete opposite effect.
Let me tell you about that one time in my life, around two years ago, when I was going through a really serious depression because everything in my life was going straight to hell. I felt like shit, couldn't even go to my job or school, I was stuck in my bed, not seeing any reason to ever get out of it.
I tried to cope with it in the worst way, by comfort-eating. Needless to say I gained weight. Which only made my depression worse. Evil spiral.
During those days, I found a recently posted photo of me online. I knew it was me in the photo, but no one else did because I was cut in half so only my lower half was in the photo. The first comment on that photo was one of my friends saying "DAT ASS THOUGH", with around six or seven of other friends liking that comment.
I cannot even describe how awful that made me feel. Of course I don't blame them - they didn't know it was me after all, but seriously, why would you even post such a comment on another person? Can't you figure it out that they might get hurt by it? To me, who was fighting with weight-loss and a heavy depression at the same time, that comment felt like a slap to the face.
That was long ago and since then I've lost a lot of weight and gained a lot of self-confidence, so today I wouldn't have cared as much. But I still remember how hurt I was by that comment two years ago,
Please, PLEASE be careful with what you say about people. Wether you call someone super skinny, super fat, chubby, "someone to grab", or tell them they have DAT ASS or DEM BOOBS. Even if you think it's fun and even a compliment, can you be 100% sure that they think so as well?
No.You can't.

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Do you have any OC's?

Yes and no. I have some original OC's that I don't care much for, BUT I have some World of Warcraft based OC's that are roleplay characters that I have played for years. Most notably my troll.
My favorite OC is my troll Zazaji. She's a blue-skinned troll of Darkspear origin, twin sister to Ginosaaji.
When I last left her, she was Troll Chieftain of the Blackblood Clan, one of the largest RP guilds on the Defias Brotherhood server, but that was almost five years ago. Sadly I don't have much time for WoW anymore.
Zaza being in the BB-clan was the best thing I experienced on WoW. My guildies are incredible nice people, some of them I still have frequent contact with. And some of them are amazing artists as well, such as Kirsty and Gábor, Kirsty made the pictures on the left down below and Gábor made the one on the right <3
Zazzypants is my favourite OC in the whole wide world. I have played her for so long I know her fomr inside out, written so many fanfictions about her and the clan, drawn so many photos and even made her armor at one point haha. If I ever am to cosplay a troll from World of Warcraft, it would be Zaz.
Black and white: Zazaji with her Warchief/lover/protegee Varekk. Zaz being her sexy self and Varekk being all demon blood-y and not giving a shit about Zaz <3
Selfie: Zaz, Varekk and Pest (Zaza's bloodelf bestie/pet) posing. Captures their personalities in a splendid way <3
Orange: Zazaji (cut her hair because puberty) and Naju, her best bro, second in command, being awesome.

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Liked by: Kiro Hipsternej©


Language: English