
linnéa eiwor mathilda

Ask @MitternachtCosplay

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What's your favorite social media platform?

I have to be boring here and say facebook. Because I love to be able to reach so many people, and also thanks to the fact that facebook is connected to almost every other community I use, sharing is easy through multiple links. Instagram is a close second, because I love looking at other people's pictures, which is probably why I also really like Dayviews :)
And tumblr. Musn't forget tumblr.

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What's your favorite Ghibli movie?

hampe’s Profile PhotoHampus Andersson
Spirited Away. It's not even a hard choice. Because Spirited Away was the first anime I ever watched (except for Sailor Moon and Pokémon) and I was madly, deeply, crazy in love with it when I was a kid. I used to watch it and then enter a never-ending dragon phase where I would talk, draw and breath dragons.
Now during the later years I can also say that Kiki's Delivery service, Laputa and Howl's moving castle are also favourites <3

Jag ser upp till dig så himla mycket ;_____;

Waaaaat vad söt du är <3 Jag förstår inte varför nån skulle se upp till mig men okej haha ^^'

Kindergarten teacher sounds nice, what made you decide on that?

I love kids :) And I have worked on a kindergarten for almost two years now and I love every minute of it!

What got you into cosplaying?

Actually it was Sailor Moon haha. I used to make Sailor Moon tiaras and wands out of paper and tape and run around the house as a mahou shoujo <3 but i didn't know it was cosplay until years later! My first costume was Luffy from One Piece and Neji from Naruto :)

What's your favourite game right now?

Right now I'd say GW2, Animal Crossing New leaf and OoT 3D. But also Penumbra!
And atm I'm just waiting for A Machine For Pigs to be released!

Not counting whole costumes, what detail or piece have you made/sewed that you're the most proud of?

Wow good question!
I'm really proud of the headpiece for the Siam costume since it's my first latex mask and it was hard as hell to make it be able to fit both mine and Erik's head. Also the sword for Griffith because even though it's ugly as hell it's my first sword prop <3

Kommer du någonsin att cosplaya från Sonic The Hedgehog? Vem skulle du helst vilja cosplaya därifrån?

Haha åh vet inte riktigt. Älskar Sonic men är inte riktigt typen som gör Gijinkas tyvärr. Men skulle jag det så skulle jag antingen göra Knuckles eller hiimrawns version av Amy :)

Vem är din favorit skurk?

Alltså haha jag vill säga Griffith, men ska inte vara tråkig. Hmmm...Alltså jag vet inte om Theon Greyjoy i GoT räknas som skurk, men antar att han gör det eftersom det bara verkar vara jag på hela jorden som tycker om honom, så får väl säga Theon då.

What is the most underrated video-game you've played that deserves more attention?

Oh my god tough one... Although the fourteen-year old in me wants to SCREAM Sonic Adventure 2; Battle, I won't say it because I know that it is a crappy as fuck game and I only love it because it was my first Gamecube game lol.
I have quite a bunch actually. Another for the DS is a lovely but underrated game. Penumbra is a horror-ish game which looks a lot like Amnesia but is fuckloads scarier. Also Guild Wars 1 for crying out loud! Also Gauntlet: Dark Legacy for Gamecube; it's old, it's primitive and ugly, but it's the game I have had most fun with together with friends.

Bra att inte dra några namn, räknade med att du skulle undvika det. Men roligare fråga: Vilket spel i Zelda-serien är din favorit? Vad skulle du vilja se i ett Zelda-spel som skulle toppa din favorit? :)

Hnnnng vad svårt. Oot är min all time fave, tätt följd av MM och TP. Vet inte om nåt skulle toppa det direkt, men vad jag skulle vilja se mer av som jag tycker har försvunnit mer och mer med de senaste spelen är mer utrymme att utforska stora områden. Tycker att Zelda blivit alldeles för linjärt på sistone :<

Har du någonsin börjat umgås med någon i "cosplayvärlden" och efter ett tag börjat ångra att du har kontakt med den personen?

Ja det har hänt, men jag tänker inte nämna några namn. Men det kan vara exempelvis om man lär känna någon som har en talang att dra till sig bråk och drama, vilket som sagt har hänt :/

Unlimited time, money, effort, knowledge: What cosplay do you make and why?

mexikohatt’s Profile Photovrklgn
Oh wow, uuuuuuh... At the moment, I would say it's a tie between three costumes. First of all Garrus Vakarian from Mass effect 2, because he's one of the most badass characters there is and I've been wanting to make that costume for ages. It's one of my absolute dream cosplays, but also a challenge since my build is a bit too feminine for him, so we'll have to work some magic there.
Second it's one of the Shiva sisters from Final Fantasy Xlll. Me and a friend (Sedra) have being doing this for years now, haha, but it's a highly detailed costume and needs some smart solutions to non-existing body parts haha.
Thirdly it's Griffith from Berserk, in his post-Femto armor. This is something I'm working on at the moment, but it's such a huge project I fear I'll never be able to finish it. The armor is detailed as fuck and has all these extremities, and it needs to be built entirely out of wonderflex. I really want to finish this before Confusion or NCV, but we'll see!

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Liked by: vrklgn

Have you ever heard of, or played Magic: The Gathering? It would be really cool to see a good cosplay of Lilliana Vess or Elspeth, Knight Errant.

Wow, had to look those characters up, they look really amazing indeed. However, I have never played Magic, although I have some friends that play it frequently. I might look into it later :)


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