
Mister Eric

Ask @misterbeeperic

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Let's say I have the option to go to either Shuffle VII or Dismantle (Dabuz, False, Ally, and Akiro are going to Dismantle)? Which one should I go to?

Oo, my first question is a good one. Ty you for that.
So if you're forced to only choose one of these, then either one should be a win-win for you. I think it just depends on which on you'll win more at. There are a few things to consider:
1.) Distance - How far are these out of the way? Unless you have a group, driving can be a pain.The longest solo drive I've made for Smash so far was 8 hours to D.C. back for Pound V. It definitely was worth it, but it was quite the commitment to make.
2.) TOs - With this one, I rly think Dismantle wins it. Joe Fattal, I think, is a bit new to the Smash TO'ing scene, but he's making damn good progress. The dude doesn't mess around. He sticks to his guns and gets things done as expected. Now, Shuffle on the other hand has a handful of TOs that are a part of the eSports Initiative (ESI) college organization. Although dedicated, they've ran into a few hiccups with scheduling in the past, and I'm not quite sure how much they've improved on it. Also they aren't a very smash-focused group. They only do these about once or twice a year. Joe's job on the other hand happens to be TO'ing. He lives for this.
3.) Players - Who you wanting to meet? Don't miss out on meeting and playing against players that you've wanted to see for a while. You'll kick yourself later for it.
4.) Cost - Cash $$. You already know. Be smart and make sure none of this is too big of a dollar investment.
5.) Housing - Could be even more of an experience if you have some peeps to stay with at one or the other. If you don't, no big.
6.) Location - Chicago wins this one b/c Chicago simply kicks ass.
Hope these help. I'll be at both, so I hope to see you there (whoever you are).

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