

Ask @MisterTtocS

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Ppsh, you can't answer a question with another question :p I had no clue how old you were(also not supposed to answer an answer with an answer to a question XD)

cdunham927’s Profile PhotoCole Dunham
Haha. I guess I broke the rules.
Liked by: Cole Dunham

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In three words, how would you describe your best friend?

In three words. I would describe my best friend "in three words."

What's your game dev plan now? Continue Coin Upgrade or start something else?

cdunham927’s Profile PhotoCole Dunham
I'll be working on something else. I'm putting the Coin Upgrade game on pause and I'm not sure if I will pick it back up. I still put a lot of work into it though, so I would hate to just bail on it.
Liked by: Cole Dunham

Who do you follow on Vine?

Well, when Vine was cool and it wasn't a piece of shit, I followed a lot of people. Now it's shitty. It's uncreative people who make 6 second videos that aren't even funny with stupid phrases like "Deez nuts", "potato flew around my room", "What are thoooooose", and tons of other stupid crap. Then the people that make this stuff get something called "Vine fame". Apparently they get famous on Vine, for well, not really doing anything. Anyone I know could easily gain 1,000,000 followers on there. When it was first becoming popular, it wasn't that bad. It was because it was everyone was original. I can't believe Vine is still relevant. It's still popular. I'd rather use MySpace.

What is the most important thing you have learned in life?

"You can do anything you set your mind to man." - Eminem.
I learned that if you set your mind to something, then you can accomplish anything.
Also Shia Lebeouf's JUST DO IT!


Language: English