

Ask @Manzin

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Why doesn't Manson ever do anything for his fans for free? He always seems to want to make a profit, yet he talks about how greedy record companies can be. It seems rather ironic. We've made him millions over the years, but what do we really get in return? What do you think about this?

Everything I've received from Manson in the past 16 years simply on the levels that everyone can access is worth way, way more than the price I've paid for concert tickets and albums and merch. If you're going to be bent out of shape because Manson won't "do anything for his fans for free" after paying out of pocket to write and record and produce and distribute the album, and then put together a tour, and then go on the road for a year and a half simply to entertain his audience, I honestly don't know what to tell you. They call it the "music INDUSTRY", not the "standing outside on the sidewalk near the subway station playing acoustic covers of traditional favorites because you like to watch people smile hobby" for a reason.
Liked by: Devan Michelle

How do people afford to go to so many Manson shows? I would love to see him multiple times per tour for the fun of it, but paying for tickets, lodging, food, transportation, etc. seems a bit much. I know you usually go to quite a few shows and was wondering if you had a couple tips. thanks!

Go in a group or with a friend, you can split costs. Bring your own food on the road. Couchsurfing.com Greyhound.com Megabus.com, all useful tools fans have used with varying success. Never underestimate the power of the Manson fan family. If you have enough friends you'll always have a motel floor to sleep on, a blanket to stand under, a snack waiting for you, someone to hold your place in line so you can take a piss. It's all networking. Make friends, they'll help you.

Are there any quotes/sayings that you live by? Thanks)

I don't really have a motto, exactly. A few of my beliefs can be roughly broken down into single phrases, like "what goes around comes around" (because that shit does), "garbage in, garbage out" (because what you broadcast determines what you receive) and of course the token Manson lyric "when all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed" (because sometimes you can't walk two paths and many wishes/dreams are mutually exclusive and can't survive simultaneously with another). Due to the frequency of times where the Manson lyric has rung true I've considered having it tattooed but I'm trying to avoid it.

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Opinions on former/current MM band members other than Marilyn?

I really like everyone currently in MM though I feel closest to Twiggy and Fred because I've spent the most time with them. I never met Andy, Wes Borland, Zim, Sara Lee, Gidget, Bundy or Speck.

How did Mr. Bee get his name? :3

Unless he's mad about something or wanting food, he's always had a tiny little pathetic peep of a meow. It's just a little "bee" sound.

What are your preferences in a female? Look wise, attitude wise. What kind of things turn you on in a woman? What catches your attention in a girl? You can answer this however you would like.

I like tall girls and small girls, thin girls and girls with curves, girls with and without tattoos, with small or big tits, long or short hair. It's hard to say. I've looked back at the girls I've been with through the years and the only thing they have in common is that they were girls and I found them attractive. I seem to like more boyish-minded girls, strong and confident and smart and funny and sarcastic and weird. And evidently most of the girls I've slept with have been at least slightly insane, so that helps.

Since you do not want to say your gender, which I respect 100%, just out of curiosity, If you were in a situation where you were about to have sex with a female and you have a penis, would you fuck her? And if you were to have a vagina, would you first tell her you have a vagina? If any of that make

If I'm about to have sex with someone it's best if everyone has disclosed their HIV/STD status, announced their marital situation, explained or demonstrated their genital configuration/preferences, and signed their consent/release forms.
Liked by: Keith Keegan

what are some things on your bucket list?

Visit New Orleans. Drive the length of Rt 66. Ride a horse on the beach. Eat all the birds (chicken, duck, turkey, pheasant, quail, goose, cornish hen, ostrich, etc). Hire a prostitute.

Since Manson is a shock rocker, has he ever done anything during his career that has shocked you? If so, what?

I think the most shocked I've ever been was when he cut his hair the first time.

What is your opinion about Jesus Christ? and why?

If he existed he was just another person who got mixed up with a bunch of dumbshits that ruined everything he stood for.

Are you involved in topics as occultism/kabbalah?

Not super involved, not publicly involved. I don't go to meetings or research the subjects extensively or anything.

Which marilyn manson tour intro was your favorite? Least favorite?

The Rock is Dead tour intro was literally stunning. Just stood there rooted to the ground with my eyes like saucers, it was fucking incredible. The last few shows where they just drop the curtain, it's exciting but it can't hold a candle to that.

what is the scariest movie you've ever seen? like one that kept you up all night scared to death? lol!

Honestly? Blair Witch Project. At the time I was living in a house on a wooded lot and it was just super creepy. My imagination is worse than anything I've seen on the screen and that movie left a good framework for the overactive imagination to have a field day. Which mine did.

Do you prefer when Manson performs at outdoor venues, like how he sometimes does for festivals or indoor/ club settings?

I like indoor shows. I'm not really an outside cat.

Have you ever moshed/ crowd surfed? Also, when you're at a concert, are you someone who sings along or just stands there watching everything?

I think crowd surfing is rude and annoying as shit, so I don't do it. Moshing is fine as long as it's behind me. I don't mind being nudged a bit but if some dickweasel feels like distracting me from my enjoyment of the show to pass him overhead, blocking my view and inconveniencing me so he can feel cool for a few minutes, I'm going to punch them in whatever soft bit is closest. Fuck crowd surfing. I invested a lot of time and energy in being here, I don't want to spend the entire show looking over my shoulder to make sure nobody's about to kick me in the head. And sometimes I sing if it feels like it's a crowd participation moment lasting a line or two, or a chorus. I'm not one of those people who howls along with every single song.


Language: English