

Ask @Manzin

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hey you don't answer me with videos anymore i miss you

Text answers I can throw out there like I'm doing right now, in my pajamas with some booze and my hair's wet and I'm lazy and don't care. Videos require lighting and the right background and quiet and I have to have a lot of time to dedicate toward preparation. If you want to be answered in video form there's going to be a wait a lot longer than a month.

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Sorry if it's been asked before. What was the scariest movie(s) you've ever seen? And by scary I don't mean horribly stupid, I mean actually terrifying. I'm a big horror fan and I could use some recommendations :)

I always answer with "Eden Lake" to this question because it's still one of the most recent and best examples of a movie with a really great sense of dread. Physiological reaction to what's going on onscreen. I live for that shit. I wish more movies made me feel something, especially in the horror/thriller genre.

Did you like school? What were your favourite subjects?

I didn't much like it, mostly because of the people. I did really enjoy anatomy/physiology and band. And study hall because I spent most days just wishing I could be left alone so I could read, so any chance to fall into a book was a treasured thing. I liked spelling a lot, when spelling was a thing. Hated gym.

Sailor Moon or Sailor Mercury?

I've heard of Sailor Moon but I have no idea what a Sailor Mercury is. Are they friends? I don't know the plot of this series.

I heard it's National Coming Out Day. Have you ever hid or suppressed (like when you were just a lad) your bi-sexuality or desire to be androgynous? Do you feel those days are gone for everyone or are people still in the closet/suppressing. (msstma)

Frequently. Especially at first when I wasn't sure what I was and didn't want to make any important decrees when I wasn't sure myself. It was easier when I got out of school, there's something about high school that cuts people into groups. Jocks, preps, slow kids, geeks, nerds, freaks, etc. I didn't fit in any of them so yeah, I found the one I felt most comfortable with and aped them until I graduated. I don't think those days are gone at all, pretty sure what I went through was and is common. There are still plenty of unsafe places. I know people celebrating the holidays alone because their families don't accept them being who they are. It's a sad truth but it's there. Recently it seems that my parents have settled into a kind of, we're happy that you're talking to us when you tell us things and the things you don't tell us, maybe it's best we don't know. And largely I find that to be true. I've long stood by my policy that they don't need to know everything about me, but I wish they knew me better than they think they do.

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when and how did you meet Manson for the first and last times?

First met him Nov 30 2004 in Columbus. The last time I saw him was at the Halloween party in Vegas.

How was your experience with ecstasy? What made you want to try it and what kind of environment were you in when you tried it?

I wanted to try it because I'd heard good things, it was available, I could afford it, I had the time to devote to it, and I was in a good place in my life at the time. The first time I was at a giant house party in Canton or Akron somewhere, the second time I was at my apartment in Canton and the third time was in a motel in Hollywood. All good times with close friends/lovers. Positive bonding moments.
Liked by: Catherine

Have you ever read those Maniggy fanfics? (Or just Marilyn Manson fanfics at all). What do you think about them? Have you ever liked any?

I haven't read any Maniggy things but I've read a few fanfics. Most of them are terrible but some aren't that bad. I liked the Manson/Manzin pairings, ahahahafuckdonttellhimisaidthat.
Liked by: Laura King

When was the first time you listened to a Marilyn Manson song? (and what song it was?)

Sweet Dreams, sometime in 1995 or 1996.

Are you ever going to come back to the east coast? Like for Manson shows?! I've always wanted to meet you but never have. =[

I'm sure I will.

If they added you to the Smash Bros. roster, what would be your three special moves and Final Smash?

What's a Smash Bros roster?

hi Manzin! i just wanted to say that I'm certain that I saw you at a Manson show a couple months ago in Ohio. I wanted to come over and say hi, but I was kind of nervous, lol. Do you like when people come up to you and say hi or does it bother you? xD

Hi! It doesn't bother me when people come say hello, I like meeting new people.

i think you look like Mr. Morgue.Do you know him?

Well, he's an attractive fellow so thank you. I don't know him personally, we've never met, but I'd like to.

I'll never forget that time when you stole fake eyelashes and a ham from Walmart while wearing a Big Bird costume? How do you feel about it now, looking back on it?

I only wish I could've fit the entirety of the Snuffleupagus into the bottom of the costume. Probably wouldn't have been kicked out if I could've kept the trunk from dangling.
Liked by: Lillith

Hey Manzin! I read your Tour FAQ in hopes of meeting Manson. I put most of your advice to the test back in June (saw him 3 times), but unfortunately it didn't work out for me. I had my eyes peeled the entire time and didn't see anyone giving out passes or anything like that. =[ What's the deal? lol!

It doesn't always happen. There's no guarantee for anything.

At what age did you become interested in the goth subculture?

Preschool. I didn't know there was a goth subculture, I just wanted to dress in all black and stay up all night and have candles and incense burning all the time and be a witch or a vampire. Same thing, really.

If you could have been in any Manson music video, which one would you have chosen? xD

Running To The Edge Of The World or Long Hard Road Out of Hell.
Liked by: Laura King

Do you think Manson holds onto all the props that he's used on stage and in videos? or do you think he just gets rid of it all....I was always just curious to know where everything ends up. lol

He probably has a warehouse the size of a football field with all his stuff crammed into it.

do you still wear contact lenses? like the Manson ones you wore sometimes?

I've managed to lose or destroy all of them except for a red pair that are still in their original packaging because they screwed up and sent me an extra pair by accident the last time I ordered.


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