

Ask @Manzin

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From which era do you think MM had the most badass, impressive, out-of-this-world fashions?

Holy Wood, just slightly ahead of Mechanical Animals because of all the animal products. All the leather and the horns and horsehair and the lamb shrug. I'm still in mad love over the clothes. Not that he hasn't worn leather or some killer couture since then, but as far as the impressive otherworldly GODDAMN YOU AND YOUR STYLIST UGGH I WANT ALL OF THAT-ness, it hasn't happened in the same quantity as it did in those periods.

What's one MM item that you have that you could OMGABSOLUTELYNEVAR! part with? lol

As far as merch goes I have one of the Satan's Bakesale tees from the Spooky Kids years and a pair of boxer shorts from Mechanical Animals that weren't released. And laminates, that's probably what other people would value from a collector standpoint. I also have a ventriloquist dummy that he wore once or twice on tour in 2012/2013 and a couple clothing items. Wouldn't part with any of them.
Liked by: Tanya Perkins

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I kind of feel bad for MM when he was with Evan because it seems like he put so much into her during that time...ex. basing an album around her (some would even say two) and now they don't even speak. She always struck me as an opportunist ever since their relationship became public. Thoughts?

Who he fucks and who he loves has never been my business. If Manson wants my opinion on either of those fronts he can ask, but until he and only he asks for them I'll keep my opinions to myself.
Liked by: Tanya Perkins

What was it like going to Sleep No More with evan rachel wood?

Evan's a great actress and it was surreal to see her performing live instead of on a screen, though that could be said anytime you see a Hollywood star in a theatre setting. Sleep No More was as beautiful and bizarre and overwhelming as it always is. It's still running and tickets are available through September 2015, definitely check it out if you can. NYC is full of "must see" things but SNM, seriously. One of a kind experience.

Does it ever dawn on you how lucky you are to know Manson? For example, do you ever think back to when you were just a blossoming fan and had nothing to your name as far as MM goes but maybe only one of his CDs and now you get to talk to him on a regular basis? So awesome.

Almost daily. No joke, nearly every day I'll hear a song or read someone's concert review or see a photo of him and I get a wave of gratitude for how incredibly lucky I am. I knew he was amazing and incredible before we met but now I know even more and it's just so ridiculous, things like this aren't supposed to happen outside of movies and fanfic.
Liked by: Tanya Perkins

What ever happened to Rudy Coby? It seems like he just disappeared all of a sudden. Does he still even go on the road with MM nowadays?

Rudy's still around, working on new magic I'd imagine. You can find him at https://www.facebook.com/rudycoby. I don't think he's been on the road with Manson since Eat Me Drink Me.

Do you have family members and close friends call you Manzin as well, or do some of them refuse?

My family members call me by my birth name. My close friends call me Manzin. Anyone who'd refuse to call me by my name isn't worth spending time with let alone friendship.
Liked by: Tanya Perkins

Around what age were you when you began to question the traditional "norms" of sexuality? When was your epiphany that maybe you didn't fully fit into "a" or "b" because there's an entire spectrum of possibilities that people hadn't been talking about a whole lot yet?

I heard a song that talked about girls kissing it was exciting to me that you could put two girls together because I hadn't really heard about it other than rumors about 'gay people' that I didn't understand and George Michael being arrested for his bathroom escapades I hadn't really thought about homosexuality because I was so sheltered in my 99.9% white 14 churches for 3500 people Norman Rockwell town.
Somebody told me that a boy and a boy could do things too but that there were molesters and cults and you'd get raped and I was nervous that those things would happen to me. But molesting didn't sound so bad if the person was pretty, I knew lots of pretty men, what if I wanted them to molest me? What if I was gay? Would I get in trouble? Why did everyone hate gay people so much? I liked girls and did typical teenage stuff with girls but more than anything I wanted to experiment with boys though I didn't get a chance to until college.

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Who is your favorite film director? What is your favorite film by that director?

I don't really have a favorite film or director. It's really hit or miss with what I like.

What is your favorite hat you have ever worn ever? (literally, not figuratively. hats are fucking cool).

I'm a sucker for a good fitting black cowboy hat, or that really sharp black felt hat that I had to throw away after Little Sir pissed on it. The military caps at the merch table are pretty hot too, I have one as my go-to hat for bad hair days. The best thing I've ever had on my head has to be the "Brotherhood of the Wolf" hat, though. That was a beautiful fucking thing, however impractical.
Liked by: ivon G. skull

How would you define the term "groupie?" And what are you thoughts/feelings about groupies?

I guess I'd define a groupie as a fan of a band (usually female) who goes to shows because they're addicted to music and usually to hang out with the band before/after the show. Not necessarily a sexual thing or a drug thing but could be a combination of many different reasons. I don't mind groupies, they're a time-honored traditional part of music as long as bands have played out and some of my best friends are groupies or were at one time.
Liked by: Gary The Fairy

What non-basic smartphone app do you use most?

If you count social media as a basic app, probably Sleep Cycle and Spotify, then 7-Eleven, HoursTracker and Yelp.

If money were out of the equation, would you rather live in LA, SF, or NYC?

NYC without a single doubt or a moment's thought. I'd rather live in a 1BR apartment in Brooklyn than my own 1200 sq foot house in the Hollywood Hills.

Has Manson ever been as creeped out by any other fan as he has with Teena Byrd?

I'm pretty sure he's had problems with fans before and since but I don't know the official Worst Of list.

Do you have an all-time favorite roadie or MM crew member - either current or past?

Big heartshapes for Rudy and Ryan. Also liked Steve and Todd. And the two current ones whose names I don't know, the Dreadmonster and the little dude that looks like a billy goat turned into a human or a civil war reenactor fighting for the South (he's the WAAAN TWO WAAAAN TWO yyyyyeeeEAAAHHH guy who checks Manson's mic)

Is there more then one anti-christ? Like in the bible.can there be more then one?

I'm guessing that if you believe in the Bible telling that there's one God (as a threefer kind of package deal) then there's only one Antichrist. I can't even say that there's probably multiple ones because even entertaining the possibility would mean taking the book as non-fiction. But if I think of it as a comic book then I would think that there are many agents of the Devil at work here on earth all with the potential to be the Antichrist but only one of them will have their plans fall in line in the correct sequence to unlock Antichrist Mode. That's what I'd do if I were the Devil, anyway. Broaden the playing field by sowing a lot of seeds and waiting to see which one grows the most perfectly.
Liked by: Gary The Fairy

What was your favorite band up until the moment you heard Manson?

I didn't really have a favorite band. I did like Guns n Roses and the Doors and had some of their albums but I wasn't so...whatever I became with Manson, with anyone before them.

Is Johnny a Manson fan?

He likes Marilyn Manson, buys the albums, and likes to see a show or two when he tours. But he's not on my level, and I don't mean that as an insult or in a derogatory manner. He likes the band and the man just fine but it's like....he has walking pneumonia, and I'm in the intensive care ward. But he doesn't mind that I'm such a huge fan, it's not necessary that we like things to the same degree or even that we like all the same things. He has lots of interests that I don't share and the reverse is also true.

Are you nice to sll Manson fans?

I try to be. Depends on the fan, some of them don't deserve niceties. Just because we like the same band doesn't give you a pass to be a complete prick and have me turn a blind eye to your prickitude.
Liked by: Gary The Fairy


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