

Ask @Manzin

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Opinion on the FREE THE NIPPLES campaign? (It's so women can have equality and go shirtless like men)

Strong supporter. Ankles used to be sexual too but enough girls showed them that it became commonplace and now nobody bats an eye at an ankle. Hopefully everyone will be able to take their shirts off when it gets hot someday soon. Though it will be interesting to see what impact it'd have on topless clubs.
Liked by: jessi Gary The Fairy

Did you dress the way that you do now in high school?

More striped tights back then, more leather and fur now. I was a poor little spook confined to pretty much what I could make or a band tee but now that I have better employment I can dress better. Also my drag was bad back then and I had to hide so much of it from my parents because it was so new to them, it's much better now that they're more used to my oddities and I'm more skilled with my styling.

Favorite movies on Netflix?

The Cabin In The Woods, Filth, American Beauty, Django Unchained, The Craft, Let The Right One In, Rosemary's Baby, Wolf of Wall Street, and Velvet Goldmine. So much of what we watch on Netflix are series but I didn't count those.
Liked by: Gary The Fairy

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Tips 0r Advice on getting long hair ?

Don't cut it. Use conditioner to keep it in good shape. Try to avoid stressing your hair out with bleach, dyes, or too many hot styling tools. And someone suggested 5mcg of biotin daily.
Liked by: Gary The Fairy

If you could pick 3 documentaries who would they be of?

Manson from the point where the last ones left off. Something about club kid culture in New York over the last 30-40 years. And maybe one about the scariest obsessive Manson creepers, for the lulz.
Liked by: Gary The Fairy

Have you ever thought of doing scarification?

I've scarred others, been scarred by others, and scarred myself. Most of them are on my chest and my stomach or shoulders, anything outside of that was unintentional. I haven't had a new one in going on two years now, waiting for the right occasion. Right now I don't have many and can remember the story behind each of them.

What's your favorite biblical story?

I'm torn between the 10 Plagues of Egypt and when Lot's wife was turned into a pillar of salt.

Life advice ?

- You will regret the things you didn't do before you regret the stuff you did.
- If given the choice between two options, do the one you haven't tried yet.
- Unless it's likely to result in your death, try everything twice. If you didn't like it the first time, it might just be that you were having an off day. It'd be really sad to miss out on something you enjoy because you thought you didn't like it. This goes for foods you hated as a kid, your grownup mouth knows better.
- Don't sweat the petty stuff and don't pet the sweaty stuff unless it pays really well.
- Everyone is terrified. Nobody knows what they're doing. You're not the only person to feel uncertain about your life.
- Just like everything's been said and done before, your problems have been solved before. Ask around.
- When being photographed, relax your arms. If you clamp them tight against your side, your bicep area will flatten out and you'll look enormous.
- Don't be afraid to ask for help. Everyone (seriously, EVERYONE) could use a hand with something or other from time to time. Conversely, when someone comes to you for help, help them. Share what you know and someone who knows will share that knowledge with you. You won't have to ask for help next time, and you're better equipped to help someone else.
- If you're feeling nauseated, put a bag of ice or frozen food in a towel and lay it on the back of your neck.
- Say 'thank you' and mean it. Express gratitude to people, from your friends to the guy who comes around to refill your water glass. If someone's doing a good job, let them know. There's nothing worse than feeling like what you do doesn't matter, like you're invisible.
- If you're going out drinking at night, drink about a liter or so of water that afternoon and have a good dinner before you go out. If you're well-hydrated and have food in your stomach, you'll be less hungover the next day.

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Did you ever get in trouble at school?

Not serious trouble. I had detention once because my teacher told me not to open a bottle of Coke but I was thirsty and it was one of those free periods where it's mostly a free-for-all bunch of racket and kids running everywhere. Unfortunately just as I opened the bottle the room did that thing where it goes totally silent and all you heard was the *fssssst*, so I got detention. Other than that it was mostly having to turn my shirt inside out or being told that I was inappropriate for reasons I can't remember. Probably something I said, or thought, or wore, or read, or who the fuck knows. High school amirite

What do you watch on tv with your parents?

Dad watches good stuff like Justified, Sons of Anarchy, Boardwalk Empire, Ray Donovan. He likes a good drama but my mom is into reality tv so if they watch together it's usually something like The Voice. If it has too much language or violence she starts to complain so we usually watch whatever she wants, though by "watch" I mean mostly "make snide comments while playing a game or doing something online".

Do you give yourself facials?

I don't think so. I recently started a daily regimen of cleansing wash, light exfoliation and a light coat of vitamin C oil but I don't think that counts as a facial.

What is your favorite dish to order at a restaurant - assuming the restaurant will make anything you want.

Coconut shrimp appetizer with a small salad of kale tossed with olive oil, lemon juice, garlic and sea salt. For the main course, bacon-wrapped filet mignon with a side of baby portobello mushrooms cooked in soy sauce and balsamic vinegar. Additional side of steamed veg (broccoli, carrot, squash, cauliflower. Or asparagus.) with garlic butter. Maybe a tiny scoop of cheesy mashed potatoes.

How long have you been in your present relationship?

We met online in 2003 or so before meeting in person in I think it was 2005? Ish? So we've been friends for a long time though we've only been in a relationship since August(ish?) 2012. Neither of us has the greatest grip on linear time so dates are flexible.

Have you considered starting your own fashion line? Like, in all seriousness. I, in addition to many others I'm sure, would REALLY REALLY REALLY love for that to be a thing.

I did consider it forever ago but then quickly realized I had no talent, ahaha. No, seriously. Everything I like has already been done and everything I'd come up with would be immediately labeled derivative and cliche so, you know. Why bother?

How well do the cats get along?

Bee and Juju (the boy cats) get along just fine, they run and play together a lot. Gracie (the tabby lady) is more standoffish and tolerates Bee but she gets really slappy and gruff with him if he gets too close. Probably because he's an instigator and likes to stalk her or try to get her to play with him and she just won't have it. She's just a little cat compared to him and I think that makes her nervous.

Do you watch Deadly Women on the I.D. channel?

I don't watch a ton of television unless I'm at home in Ohio and there's not much else to do but I do watch Deadly Women. I wish they'd get a new narration style, so many of the I.D narrators are really heavyhanded with the dramatics and it makes me roll my eyes so far that I can watch my brain dying.
Liked by: Gary The Fairy

What's your opinion on abortion?

Pro-choice to the point where I'd make the "morning after pill" available right on the shelf next to the condoms. Religion interferes with human rights way, way, WAY more than it ought to.

Any favorite Disney or Pixar movies?

Fantasia, The Black Cauldron, all the Toy Story films, and Up. Going through the list made me realize how many Pixar films I haven't seen yet. I tend to enjoy Pixar's stuff more than Disney, it's a little more adult friendly.
Liked by: Gary The Fairy


Language: English