

Ask @Manzin

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If you had to erase one Marilyn Manson album from history which one would you choose?

Lest We Forget, though I'd really miss Personal Jesus.

What did you dress up as for halloween?

We did Gomez and Morticia Addams. Favorite couple of all time, a real classic.

Have you ever had surgery?

Had my wisdom teeth out when I was a senior in high school. That was my first date with Vicodin, I remember some people playing me back some extremely amusing voicemails that I'd left but had zero memory of leaving. Beyond that, no.

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What was your major?

Undecided. Undecided before I got to college, undecided while I was in it, still undecided to this day. I may never know what I want to do for a career. Nothing appeals.

What genres of music do you prefer the most?

Lately I've been listening to a lot of 90s Industrial/Goth. Before that it was Electronica, before that it was 80s New Wave, before that it was Retrowave, before that it was Southern Gothic. Mostly it's either groovy house stuff, floofy goth stuff, or slammy clank industrial stuff. Or 80s. Lots of 80s.

Please recount an episode in which you were drunk and something hilarious ensued.

Once Upon A Time I tried each of these drinks then chased them with a vodka cran or Red Bull or whatever was on the table next to the vodka and somehow or other I ended up sucking a powdery substance (let's call it "Fun Dip") out of the front pocket of someone's trousers (let's call them "George").

Did you go to college

I went until I ran out of savings which took about three quarters. I would say it was a spectacular waste of time except that I ended up making friends with dealers and a stripper who lived just off campus so all I learned in college was how to smoke weed and how strip clubs work, both of which have served me well in adulthood.

Is there any magazine that you would morally refuse to be featured on the cover of, if offered?

NAMBLA Bulletin.

Have you ever been arrested?

I am a law-abiding citizen and have had no encounters with police other than a speeding ticket and a couple instances of being pulled over and warned for being a little over the speed limit, or having a headlight out (I had the replacement in the backseat and was returning from purchasing it), or being on the road at 3am in my hometown because the cops are super fucking bored and felt like seeing what I was doing out at that hour. (I was at Wal-Mart buying fabric glue for a thing I was making to wear to one of Manson's Vegas appearances and it was the only place open that sold it). Long story short: no. Hell forbid, knock wood, etc.

Did you love the Spice Girls when they were a thing, or were you too old to get sucked into that craze?

I was "meh" about them. Won tickets to see the local premiere of Spice World when it was released and went to see it for the lulz. It was predictably meh.

What is the longest thing you can remember writing?

Does my Livejournal count? That was probably the most extensive and regular bit of writing I did over the course of a few years. As far as the longest single piece, it was probably either some lengthy college paper or more likely one of my exhaustively detailed recollections of a concert or time spent with Manson that I wanted to record as exactly as possible for posterity, back when I used to keep track of such things in a journal. I really, really ought to start writing again. Social media has killed most of the drive to do so, it's too easy to just spit out a paragraph here and there like a machine gun loaded with words. Really kills the urge to Write when the gratification is so easily had with such a smaller scale.

Did you ever go to summer camp? How did you spend your grade school summers?

Mostly I spent them playing in the woods by our house, riding my bike, rollerskating in the driveway, swimming at my grandparents' place, or curled up somewhere with a pile of books. We also had Vacation Bible School for a couple weeks in the summer and I did 4-H camp at least once. I also spent a week on an Amish farm which was pretty cool. Don't remember much about it but one of the kids cried and had to be sent home because they couldn't handle it. And we had granola with goatsmilk for breakfast, and went on a long walk through trails and down a river that took all day and the river was deep up to our necks. It was awesome.

If "of old age, in my sleep" is not a choice, how would you want to die?

Warm and comfortable after a long life of satisfaction and happiness. Somewhere beautiful, high as a kite and coming so hard that I black out. And then probably have a brain hemorrhage or something after I'm unconscious. The last thing I'd remember was being so full of pleasure that my body couldn't contain it and it had to tip me over and pour my soul out, like a little teapot.

Do you ever regret choosing the name 'Manzin' as your online handle?

No. It's exactly the right name, fit like a glove since the minute it slid onto me.

Do you consider yourself an extrovert or introvert?

I honestly have no idea. I scored a 62 on this thing: http://psychologytoday.tests.psychtests.com/take_test.php?idRegTest=1311
Ambivert? I like to meet people and have attention and be at big noisy parties but when I'm done I am DONE and I want to slink off by myself to recharge and attempts to engage or to force me to be social after I've exceeded my limit will make me irritated and hostile. Sometimes I don't want to go out at all and I just need to stay home and not talk to anyone. Sometimes if I don't get out of the house I'm going to break something. It varies.

Do you like Bukowski? If so, do you enjoy his novels, stories or poetry most?~

I read "Hollywood" and enjoyed it for the most part but that's the only thing of his that I've tried so far. I'm reasonably sure we have "Screams From the Balcony" in the bookshelf so maybe I'll give that a shot next.
I'm still reading "The Public Domain Review: Selected Essays from The First Three Years 2011-2013", been working on that since Giftmas.

What's your favorite color?

Black (IT'S NOT A COLOR IT'S A SHADE/ABSENCE OF ALL COLOR/PRESENCE OF ALL COLOR ohmygod color pedants are the worst), red, silver, and purple. And gold is starting to creep in. I'm really fond of deep jewel tones.

I saw on your Instagram page that you went to a kids birthday party. Was it a niece or nephew's birthday party?

My nephew turned 1. He's still afraid of me, or at least when he sees me he goes completely still and has this O_O face until somebody moves him to where he can't see me anymore.

Chinese food or Japanese?

Depends on who's buying. If money is no object I'm going to go with Japanese. The Japanese food I've had has been so fresh and delicious but so small that I have to eat loads of it to feel full, and because it's so fresh and delicious it's expensive. I can't seem to get out of a sushi place without either having residual hunger or an empty wallet. My most expensive sushi dinner was at Morimoto's in NYC. Appetizer, the main meal, a dessert, and our two drinks for two people ran something like $400 but I wasn't buying. Chinese is way more filling and usually more inexpensive and I'm usually on a budget so I go with Chinese for the most part. Japanese is a treat. (Thai is pretty incredible too, it's like Japanese level of extravagant flavor with a Chinese price tag)


Language: English