

Ask @Mahafsoun

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Do u have pics with your costume with Moonspell, that's absolute gorgeous!! You are very splendid woman I'm in love with u... *-* How did u feel with they and in front lot of people? You look so confident!

Thank you!
Yes, I do have some photos coming soon, from a photoshoot I did using the costume that I made for Moonspell. It will be published in the near future.
Dancing in front of the many people felt comfortable and inspiring. I feel their energy, and it's quite passionate at such events. I felt like a part of that moment with Moonspell, which is a feeling that I deeply cherish.

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What do you think of breakdancing?

It's a very demanding form of dance, and I admire that. I like to watch people when they're great at it.

Have you ever thought of making ninja/samurai photoshoots?

I have! Although I don't own anything that could go with the theme.

How many hours a day do you listen to music?

Pretty much the entire time I am out of home, and almost half the time when I am home, which should mean... more than half the time I am awake, on a normal day.

What kind of music you dance more difficult: the powerful and heavy metal or the beautiful and quiet melody?

Both are difficult in their own ways. The faster the music is, the quicker I have to move and improvise/plan my next moves... and the slower the music is, the harder I have to work on keeping certain moves, which require some more strength.
A move here, for example...
2:22 - http://youtu.be/4Bv0U4iSMLw?t=2m22sMahafsoun’s Video 32545920933 4Bv0U4iSMLwMahafsoun’s Video 32545920933 4Bv0U4iSMLw
Here, I have to keep the traveling moves with the rather slower beat of the song, which requires sightly more control than if the travels were done quicker to a heavy metal song.
Liked by: Marina Carpini

How often do you henna your hair?

Every 2-5 months... it really depends. Sometimes I like to let the roots grow out so that I can "remember" what my natural hair colour is.

At what age did you start to sing?

The age that I actually started to sing... I guess somewhere around 18. Before that I just did what most people do - singing along to the music I was hearing without any care about technique, notes or using my diaphragm.

Besides playing piano and singing, what other insturments have you thought of learning and playing?

The acoustic guitar that is sitting in my closet, collecting dust...

If you would have a choice between an xbox 360 and a PS3, what would you choose? And why?

Nowadays? Anything portable. I find myself unable to sit in one spot for too long, and usually I will need many hours to enjoy a game that I like.

Would you ever want to try out for american idol? You have a beautiful voice and you have tons of potential to be a professional singer, you are very gifted, you shoul be thankful :)

Thank you so much for that! I don't like those singing contests to be honest. I feel that most of it exist only to make fun of aspiring artists or the more crazy contestants. I was never into those kinds of shows, to watch, let alone want to be a part of.
I hope to some day do more in regards to singing, though. Perhaps something will push me to take it more seriously. So far I've received so many wonderful, encouraging and constructive feedback, so already I'm getting a great push. :)

Whats your least favorite season?

Winter. Only because I can't do that many creative things during it due to the cold. It's a slow season.
Liked by: Mari Helen

you have very beautiful skin. Do you avoid the sun? What skincare products do you use?

Thank you so much. I try to avoid too much sun, and protect my skin as much as I can with sunscreens. I also use more natural skin products and makeup, which made a huge difference in my skin after around a year of switching to it. I also highy recommend brands that don't test on animals. It's just an added "goodness" to the whole thing. :)

Do You like Ballet dancing? Have you experienced it? Hails and support from Jordan :)

I have never tried ballet. I do however like to incorporate ballet-inspired moves into some of my routines. It's a beautiful form of dance.
Liked by: LanaSiren

You feel popular?

Not really. Opposed to what people see of me on the internet, I actually don't surround myself with many people. I'm just an artist doing what she loves, and have been lucky enough to have some of the best people behind me.

How often do you visit the studio?

It highly depends. I try to visit mostly when I have finished editing and uploading all the videos I recorded during the previous session. That way I prevent pile up of videos, that eventually become too old to interest me in uploading them.


Language: English