

Ask @Lisaameow

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Yea, but you have to admit that it happens, or when do you guys do it?

Don't you think this is a little inappropriate to ask?

I dont understand how Loren sleeps at your house. I mean if you guys are having sex, aren't you afraid your mom hears it? It would be so emberassing!

Just because he sleeps over doesn't mean we have sex
Liked by: Melissa wells

I dont think its depressing

It's realistic, but I expected him to end up with her and i'm that kinda girl that believes in fairy tales so it was depressing for me

but the eye really looks weird omg why do you have to be so rude about it jesus


are joe from tenesea cuzzzzz your the onlie 10 i sea! Correct the mistakes, I know you hat bad English, my love c: Lots of love from wolverine <3

Hey cutie i love you and I had a really lovely day xxxx

it looks like you dont have eyelashes, you should try to use mascara

Telling a girl to use make up
you should be proud of yourself
maybe go make up your whole personality ok, you still won't be as perfect as my eyelashes but at least you can try

but you have to admit it looks weird in that picture. just look at it

I can't look at my own face sorry, i'd get a lady boner


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