
Lawless Roleplay

Ask @LawlessRoleplay

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What's one thing most people don't know about you?

We are a deep underground organisation that is set to conquer the world, and enslave all humans to our needs.

Hello if you admins wiped someones account can he get it back?

If the account is disabled then no, If you can access the account and the stats have been wiped then still the answer is 'no'.
Once an account has been wiped, if its been due to an unban or serious offences committed the account stats are lost forever, as to the same to the account its self.
Liked by: Michael Warming

Will LawlessRoleplay Comunity live forever? ;)

We believe that the community will strive and live on as long as people want to play, we are continuously updating the server, adjusting to players requests and working with the community directly to improve security of the server.
We believe that any community can collapse, but we feel that Lawless is still in its early stages and we have a long time ahead of us as of yet.

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Will lawless be updated to 0.3.7 version of SAMP?

Yes. We are updating to the new version of SA:MP in a few days!
Liked by: OMARY

Is the Public Relations Team hiring helpers? If yes, I would love to join!

Helper Team is part of Public Relations, but only Marcus(Helper Manager) manages the team.
Liked by: OMARY

What is the public relation team and the BETA team for?

Public relations: The three general kinds of Public Relations work are publicity, event management and publication design. Their products are intended to influence players and are designed to promote and protect Lawless' image and products.
BETA team: Beta team is a team of trusted community members willing to roll sleeves up and test every single feature of new updates and test various type of reported bugs. Behind an update, there's always a BETA team!
Liked by: OMARY

When was the new SCUBA diving job implemented?

It was implemented during our last update, pretty neat! You can view the rest of our updates on the forums as well!
Liked by: OMARY

I would like to report a hacker, how can I do it?

You can either gather evidence to post a player complaint, or you can use /report when you're in game!
Liked by: OMARY

Hello, I was wondering if you could tell me how to join the PD, please!

Post an application in the PD section of our forum!
Liked by: OMARY

what faction is best atm?

That's different for everyone. Guy A thinks the FMD is the best, guy B thinks that the SAPD is the best.
Liked by: OMARY

do senior players (lvl 20+) get some kind of benefits ?

No. Except from lv1 newbies getting a less harder punishment, everyone is treated equally.
Liked by: OMARY

When will SANews open again? It seems all factions are stable right now!

Suggest it on our forums and we'll handle it there!
Liked by: OMARY

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