
NEW ASK.FM laurenlipscombexo

Ask @Lauren0123x

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what two things can make you feel jealous the most easiest?

I'm not really one to get jealous but if I'd have to say 2 things it would probably be someone getting the somethiing I've tried to get for ages and they don't even have 2 try I kinda get jealous, and perfect girls, I know I normally say no ones perfect but girls that get everythingg make me a little jel

If you could change 10 things from your past, what would they be?

1. Any arguments I've had with family and close friends
2. Be more careful in who I trust
3. Not be such a spoilt brat
4. Stay in touch with old friends(bit too late now)
5. Not get caught up in stupid fights
6. Keep myself to myself
7. So more stuff for my brother
8. Spend more time with family
9. Realise who were the time wasters and get rid of them
10. Slow down, and not rush to grow up, I want my childhood back

How far have u been;) ?

Well if you know me then you know anyway and if not then that's for me too know;)

What is the strangest dream you've ever had?

I got eaten by a 10foot bowa constrictor, now I'm scared of snakes

What names do you want to give to your children?

For a girl: Sarah-Louise and for a boy: Alfie-Jo. Maybe

What do you think of Yasmin?

She's amazing, beautiful, got the perfect figure, funniest girl alive, one of my Bestfriends, my sister I love her lots and lots and lots x x x x

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