

Ask @KailinK

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What do you want for your next birthday?

I hardly ever get birthday presents, mhm. A sunflower would be amazing :')

Y did u lie about ur name and picture before? Ur so beautiful

Well, one I wasn't confident in my work and didn't want people from school finding me or whatnot. And I'm also a very insecure person :/ But I do regret it now, and I know that everything should be based on the talent that I possess and not my name or looks!
But thank you so much, sunshine :)
Liked by: K

what is it like to be color blind

A lot of people try to play tricks on you and that sucks, haha. But besides that, I'm used to it and it's just as normal as your vision :)

what color's can't you see?

i am 'colour disoriented' which means that I mistake colours and whatnot. For instance, I always mix up blue and green. The shades confuse me and those are the two colours that cause a huge mishap in my brain.

What's something that's been bugging you recently?

The fact that people don't give others a chance.
For instance, I've had people think that I am fake because I'm nice to most people and am always friendly and smiling. I don't see a problem with that. I hate how society labels everyone with a different name or category.
Just because someone isn't nice to everyone doesn't mean that they're a bitch.
Just because someone is sad doesn't make them an emotional train wreck.
Get to know the real me before you make real judgments which can change someone's life choices.

Are you a vegetarian? If not, could you ever be a vegetarian?

I actually just started refraining away from wheat and dairy. The only meats I currently eat are fish and chicken! It's a fun cleanse to try!

What was the last prank you pulled on someone?

Probably on April Fools, haha, I should probably pull more pranks on people :(


Language: English