

Ask @KailinK

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Whose is your most favorite character that you've made?

I have yet to decide. But I love Sebastian and I know I'm going to like Lyon and Charlotte :) good question!

All the guys I like are older than me! Not in a bad boy way or anything like that, it's just coincidence. But it's always a lost cause because they're two or three years older.

Everyone has their preference! Maybe the guys you're looking for are mature. Just look for maturity among your age group and things should go fine! But personally, 1-2 years isn't a huge dead for me!

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ok, so, my boyfriend and i want to kiss, but the problem is, we're too shy. do you have any advice for me? i really need help.

My advice would be just to go for it! I was super shy for my first kiss also, but once I got over it, the rest were fine! Without awkwardness or anything!

i love witting so much but im scared to write a book on wattpad cause im not that very good :/ any tips :)

There are a lot of great books on Wattpad, but also so many terrible ones! Take the risk, what are you waiting for? You'll be terrific :)
Tips for Wattpad:
- make friends
- nice cover
- talent
- good description
- update frequently
Good luck!

im 16 and i never had a boyfriend or my first kiss, i even never hug a guy or let alone have a guy best friend. im so upset because im scared none will love me because im fat

Hi, sunshine :)
When I had my first real kiss I was fifteen! Everyone goes at their own pace! My sister only had her first kiss when she was 18! As far as hugging goes, do what makes you comfortable! Everyone is different :)
And your appearance isn't eveerything! If you're upset with it, you c an change it! But a guy will never love someone because they're thin. They need to love the person they are.
If not, then they're not worth loving!
Stay strong :')
Liked by: caroline

U have to read these books(i think ull like them): delirium, uglies, its kind of a funny story

Sure!! I definitely will :) thanks for the suggestions!

Thanks for making that email.. Ill probably email u tonight.. If u won't judge me that is...

Judging doesn't exist in my world :)

I just found out Will's 18 oops haha I'm 15. I'll try talking to him about a common interest though. :)

Awe, awesome!! :D and it may be a stretch because of the ages, just watch out <3 all the best!

when it comes to guys and people in general, but any advice for interacting with him?

You don't need to change EVER haha. Find people who enjoy and love your company, for YOU. It will all come naturally :D Find common interests and talk about those! Hope this somewhat helped, if you need more details, simply ask! :D

There's this guy who don't really know, and I guess it won't hurt to say his name is Will. He goes to my church and seems really sweet, and idk, I just find myself gravitating towards him. I see him mondays and wednesdays for part-time school and I just really want to know him. I'm quite shy whe

I think your question cut off D: but whatever feels right, do it. You're going to regret not doing things when you're older :D


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