

Ask @KailinK

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What did you dream about last night?

I had the weirdest dream, even though I can't seem to recall everything that happened.
I was in an unimaginable world, where the ground always shook. Colors were more vibrant. The air still.
That's all I remember. And there was another girl there! What can I say, I have weird dreams.

Absolutely the best AUTHOR (and i dont throw that word around) on wattpad <3 <3

Wow. :) I have no words to thank you :) I hope I get to meet my lovely fans one day! :) <3 xox

U suck

Hello dear. :)
Let me enlighten you on a certain misconception this world holds. Everyone is entitled to an option, no matter how vague, redundant, or rude. And not everyone will enjoy my writing, and you happen to be one of the few people who dislike it. Which is completely understandable. And kudos to you for having the guts to say it on an anonymous site, which proves how much backbone you possess!
But, please stay away from cyber bullying. It leads to so many deadly outcomes, which can hurt others mentally and physically.
I am not hurt by your words, heck, I have over 7.7 thousand fans who support me. But for the sake of others, keep you comments to yourself and be sure to look out for those in need.
If you do need to talk about anything, I am here for you. :)
Much love and consideration,
P.S. Keep bullying off the screen!

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Liked by: caroline

I love Fix Me, Alibis, Masterpiece Theatre (all of them, but 3's my favourite), and Porcelain. I'm seeing them on June 15th, 15th row! I'm so excited!

Emi Miller
OMG, THAT IS CRAZY! Have an awesome time! :)

If you could listen to only one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

At the moment... Ever After by Marianas Trench <3

why did u delete some of ur books?

Because I'm trying to only focus on one at a time, quicker updates! And I don't want people awaiting updates that will never come :(

I love your stories :3 how do you do it?

Writing is my passion. I don't have words to explain any of what I do :)

Why do you wanna live in Scotland( i live there)

I think the experience would be more than wonderful, despite the weather!
I love castles and I think that it would be so fun to visit them and learn their history! I'm a nerd haha, classified and proud. But perhaps I'd rather a vacation there instead of a permanent home.

Comment ca va? And what's your favourite Marianas Trench song?

Emi Miller
Bonjour! Ca va tellement bien aujourd'hui :)
And I have so many!
- Ever After
- Masterpiece Theatre (all 3 of them)
- Fallout
- Acadia
Wbu? :)


Language: English