

Ask @JWingWangWong

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well hello there, I feel dumb cause I asked you to get an ask.fm and you already had one ;-; but anyway, I love your videos and you're attractive. ._. Sorry I'm weird. btw would you mind if I made you fanart?

That would be amazing if you made fan art just post it on twitter and I'll probably see it. I usually read most of my notifications haha.

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Are you CHINESE where are you from

The answer may not seem obvious but it is. It is true that I am Chinese but at the same time I am not only Chinese but British. My mom was born in Stoke on Trent, England of a Caucasian demeaner. My dad was born in Hong Kong born as an Asian-Chinese male (I mean I hope so that should be a given). They both met up in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and that is where I was born. I have lived in Saskatoon my whole life and really don't know much about Chinese or British culture too much. I do on the other hand do enjoy my Chinese food. A lot of people assume I speak Chinese but I do not mostly because I wasn't raised to learn it. I wish I did though.
Liked by: MacArthur Dodd

Do you know who huahwi is?

No one knows where he is. It's strange how he said "#RIPHuahwi" then said "I'm kidding! Good night~" on twitter. I think he knew he was going to quit from analysing those tweets alone. Of course that is all speculation and we truly do not know what happened.
There is a Facebook page about Huahwi and that has been posted on recently, but from what I know that isn't ran by Huahwi. The reason why I say that is because on Huahwi's YouTube page there is no Facebook section.
It's weird to think he was going to be in UHC Season 7. This information isn't knew as this was told about already by Graser in Hbomb's live stream. What you may have not known is that in the intro of UHC Season 7 you can actually see Huahwi. No one has noticed this but that's because it appears for a quick moment maybe no longer than less than a second.
I wish he gave a reason to why his absence is long but maybe one day he will come back. I only talked to Huahwi once for about a minute so I don't really know him. He seemed nice. I'm sorry if I can't answer your question fully but I think no one will be able to except Huahwi himself.

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what do you do when you're in on a holiday, your phones about to die, and your computer's dead?

I would enjoy my holiday.

Do you make websites for anyone? if so how can I get in touch?

Not at the moment. The reason is because I am highly inexperienced and I am currently learning HTML and CSS through a book. I told Grape that before making his and it was a struggle at first since a lot of things did not align.

what do you plan on doing after college?

Work for a electronic company or a video game company. Favourite choices are Google, Netapp, and Nintendo.
Liked by: A a

oh you ARE the college of computer science?? and here i thought you were a human, had no idea that you were a bunch of buildings

Shhhh I'm a transformer don't tell Graser or he might start having a man crush me or something. ;)
Liked by: A a

do you think you are mature?

In some ways yea and some ways no. I take serious moments in a very mature way but in casual situations I can be a bit of a joker.
Liked by: A a

wait are you in college?

Yea I am the college of computer science. First year into computer science second year in university.
Liked by: A a


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