
Josh Starr

Ask @DracorexHogwartsia

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why chloe? isnt she like 9/10 years younger than you?

Because she's my best friend and she's like my little sister.

People u trust the most?

Chloe Dean, Jayden Antoniou, Kirsie Lundholm, Belle Heaps, Alex Oushakoff, Steven Ragsdale

Fav girls in the group and why

I'm not even gonna go into that. XD I'll admit there are a few girls I like, reason for which I will not disclose, but the rest are all lovely and beautiful young ladies. ^_^

if you had $1000 what would you do with it?

$1,000 wouldn't go far with me. XD Ummm... buy a PS4 and buy a heap of games and clothes and CDs and maybe books.

you're cool, why do you have to be so awkward when we talk?

Well it's not like I choose to be awkward or anything.

if you could meet 5 people from the group, who would they be?

Chloe Dean, Jayden Antoniou, Belle Heaps, Alex Oushakoff, Eve Christian. WHY MAKE ME PICK JUST FIVE?

if you could meet three celebs, who would they be?

Hmm.... Emma Watson, and I don't really know who else. XD OH Maggie Smith.

aren't you a little old to be part of a fandom group for teenager group?

Annndddd... you are? Care to tell me who you are? I don't think you've said this to the at least five people that are older than me in the group. So if you've got a problem with me, have the guts to tell me and don't hide behind anon.

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