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No problem!:) I LOVE Maddie,but 40 times,and Second place was 9? Thats just CRAZY! Paige definitely deserved more times at the top! Another Question:Whats your favorite thing about each of the original 7 dancers,and Kalani?

I agree, it's kinda sad knowing that you can't do anything about it:(
And my favorite things about the original 7 and Kalani are:
Maddie: if I tell you every single thing that I like about her the list would never end... Yeah that the problem, that much I love her. But I can tell a few. Well first her dancing, she just makes me feel something when she dances, her personality especially outside the show what you can see in the videos especially in her/Kenzie/Kendall's vine videos are the best! And the last thing I'm gonna say is her gorgeous blue eyes and her hair❤️
Kenzie: she's just the little princess, I love her. And the favorite thing about her is probably her shining personality and smile❤️
Kendall: my gorgeous kk. She's just so beautiful I can't help it and that's probably my fav thing about her❤️
Kalani: she was my favorite in AUDC and I love her feet and amazing technique. Also I love watching videos of her dancing❤️
Chloe: she's too sweet. Even if I doesn't like her mom, Chloe literally has a heart from gold! And when she fan girls or get excited=❤️
Paige: she can make it as a model. She's dob dead gorgeous and when she's happy I'm happy❤️
Brooke: her acro skills! Her back! O.M.G.❤️
Nia: girl that never gives up. She is a truly an inspirational young girl. I think everyone can learn something from her. Just look how much she's improved!❤️
And one more time, thank you so much for asking! I don't know who you are, but I love ya❤️

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Liked by: kalani❤️

Besides Maddie,who has been at the top of the pyramid the most? What about the least?

I actually counted this
Times on the top of the pyramid
Maddie 40 and ones she was twice on the top
Chloe 9
Brooke 5
Nia 6
Mackenzie 5
Paige 1
Kendall 3
Thank you for asking :)

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And what about how Abby is saying that DM may not return for a season 5??I cant live without DM!!!

Yea I have heard that too but I think it's just a rumor

Yes,from DM

I'm gonna include all the dancers that have ever been on the show
So yes Maddie, Sophia omg she's the queen, Kalani❤️ love her, um there probably have been an amazing dancers in the show but I honestly haven't really paid attention when they have been so I don't really know. But yea I have to say two dancers and I'm gonna say Ava (if that was her name) because she has a nice technique and gorgeous feet. And someone from the originals I'm gonna say Chloe

Ok that's fine! But tell me all the things that make you like Maddie the best? No hate or anything and you can compare her to the girls and I Wont take it offensively

Well the answer from me is really simple, she makes me feel something when she dances. That's a big thing to me.
I know that she isn't the best little dancer out there. But she is amazing to me and I like how sharp her moves are. I think she's versatile, she doesn't have a style that she has problem with. Yes hip hop isn't her best style but she doesn't have problems with it.
Another thing is that she is really passionate about dancing, she really loves it and I think you can see that when she dances. And also she inspires me to work hard.
Then ofc one thing why I probably love her so much because I can relate to her. I'm also a favorite on my group and even thought my teacher doesn't show it the same way Abby does, it still really awkward when my team mates bring the favoritism up.
And I think the last thing is her personality. She's confident and I admire that because often we see girls who doesn't believe in themselfs and that only hurts the person. Also the videos I've seen her having fun with other girls are my favorites! She such a funny girls and she reminds me of myself when I'm going crazy with friends. She's respectful and it seems like everyone who work with her or meet her loves her. And she's gorgeous and I just love her ❤️

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That was such a beautiful way to put it!no offense to Christi but who even knows what she says is true!Do you still think I should go to hell? Because since I believe in God,I was very offended by it :( Sorry about they stuff I said about Maddie! She is just A sweet kid!

Aw thank you! And no I really didn't meant it, sorry. I just said it because I thought that there's no point for me to even try to defend Maddie because you still won't believe me. And yes she is, they all are

Irina is a BEAUTIFUL name! It is gorgeous!!! And the person below is crazy about Maddie! She is beautiful!

Aw thanks so much!

I wasnt trying to be rude I just said what I saw in a scene and Christi said that Maddie was being rude to Chloe and Made her Cry! Maddie was always my 2Nd favorite but after that video I just lostit. You know WAYWAYWAYWAYWAY more about DM then me so please tell me if what I heard was real or fake?

Okay I get what you are trying to say:) but like you said we heard that from Christi, so we never really saw if Maddie really said that and even if she did she might not meant it the way Chloe understood it. If she really said that, is wrong but she's young and with time she's getting more mature and with age she will understand what's right and what's wrong. And even best friends fight sometimes. They all are humans like we, they make mistakes but they are learning. I believe that all of them are super sweet girls and tries their best, but sometimes the pressure is too much to handle and they may say something offensive.

No offense to you but Maddie Ziegler is such a Stuck up brat! She is so rude to Chloe and I can't BELIEVE she would tell Chloe that she's not good! Chloe Is a beautiful dancer,smart in school,and has a shining personality while all Maddie has Is the fact the she's the best dancer and Abbys favorit!

Go to hell

What can I do to improve my account?? (This is DanceMomsFanPage) and please tell me and be honest!!!

Um I tried to look at things you could improve but I don't really know... Maybe just pin more? It's hard to say


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