

Ask @Dioudlol

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Salut Dioud =) comment tu utilise tes bouton pour tes objet ? par exemple moi j'ai ma trinket sur le bouton latérale de ma souris et un activable sur l'autre bouton. =)

Trinket = ²
Actif = 1 (smartcast)
Sightstone = 2
Pots = 3 (smartcast car deuxieme actif sera ici)
Pink = 4
xx = 5
xx = 6

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Pourquoi tout le monde fais des allusions par rapport a une potentiel homosexualité ?

C'est ici au Brezil c'est quelque chose d'assez courant je dirais comparé à l'Europe. D'autant plus que y'a eut pas mal de blague avec ca par rapport à l'ancien support. Alors ils ne cessent de me demander et je ne cesse de répondre que je ne suis pas homosexuel ^^ Y'a juste à voir mes posts facebook et les commentaires, tu comprendras. ahah
Liked by: Ewen Hectoplasme

Have you ever played Dota 2?

I only played one game and i really dont like the game. Im watching the important tournament of it even if i dont understand shit. I just dont like playing it.

Why Karma is so good against morgana?

Her poke is too boring for Morgana and her Spell Shield is almost useless versus her.

Can i pick Thresh against all supports? And wich comp Thresh is better?

Thresh is kinda weak against Janna in lane. Morgana counter very well Thresh because of the black shield and Nami is boring in term of sustain versus him.
Overall Thresh is hard versus Gapcloser ADC
Thresh is good if you have to peel for your ADC. If he needs people in front of him, you can pick Thresh. Thresh is good aswell if your team lack of initiate.

What do you think about Sona? I wanna be a main support, but I'm not sure about what's the best champion for me. I like Sona, but do you think she's good enough for the competitive? Or should I choose another champion?

Sona is good for the laning but if the opponent's jungler is good enough, you will get shit on because Sona is the easiest champ to camp.
Liked by: Henrique Azevedo

you say a lot that you like the weather here in Brazil (and I cant understand, bc here is fucking hot) so, what is the weather like in France? A lot of rainy days and stuff?

France = Rainy and Cold. I like when its fucking hot. Here in brazil its perfect for me. Im used to wear a scarf around 15 degres ^^

Do You think that You can hit challenger on every role like Mata in Korea? If not You, who can do this in Your opinion?

I cannot be a good top laner, just because i hate this lane. I can be a good jungler for sure and i think i can be a good adc and mid with a bit of training.

Forg1venGRE is the best adc in EUW? Do you play against him?

I played with him. never against exept in scrim back in G2

Do you think karma is a Good support/fits any comps?

Karma is very good vs Morgana. SoloQ champ only tho in my opinion

Si tu devais aller dans une équipe et que t'avais pas eu de proposition de pain sa aurait été laquelle?

Une team LCS EU mais je peux pas dire le nom. J'ai choisi paiN pour l'aventure.

what u think about Olleh?(ex support of paingaming)?

A very good support coming from Korea. its hard to be better than that but i will try to be as good as him at least on a long term.
Liked by: Henrique Azevedo


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