
Bobby Ramos

Ask @DinoWinwoodsGhost

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Would you rather have your child grow up to be kind or smart?

Smart. Because they would know how to think things over and realize being kind is the smart way to go about life but also be smart enough to watch out for the bastards of this world.

If you could time travel, would you go to the future or the past?

Future, so I can see if I made the right decisions if not then to warn myself of what I did wrong.

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Is getting married young a good idea?

Dunno I have never been married. I was trying to be pressured into getting married young but that was from someone who felt they were on a time limit and just wanted what she wanted and not what WE wanted.

Will you watch Super Moon tonight?

I did. :-) I will however watch the Super Moon episode of Wokaholics tonight "A Telemericorp Horror Story"

Would you consider yourself a loyal friend? How do you earn people's loyalty?

I like to think so. I just make sure that once I am someone's friend I try to be there for them as much as possible and support them for whatever they want to achieve, I also hate to see them down and will sit for hours with them til they get everything off their chest. But the first thing I ask is if they need me to come over. I once made a trip to my favorite restaurant 7-Eleven and bought some stuff for us to pig out on to forget our troubles.

What's the worst movie you have ever seen in your whole life?

Assassin's Creed, Sucker Punch, Wedding Crashers, August Rush, Bride Flight, Take This Waltz, Any of the Ghost Rider Movies, The Babysitter (The New One Not The Obscure Alicia Silverstone One)

Have you ever given up on someone? Why?

I gave up on someone because they gave up on me. So many chances are given until I just get so tired. I am a firm believer in sticking through it but if they don't love you back then why waste your time and energy?
These days everyone is afraid of relationships because previous asshols fucked things up and it really feels like the only thing you can do is go about life and not talk to anyone. Honestly wouldn't be surprised if the population fizzled out after a while.
To all the people who made it this way Go Fuck Yourselves for hurting others.
Liked by: Brandy

Should we read a lot of books?

Yes, look at what happens when you don't have an education, you become president.

Who do you want to win the Rumble?!

The Fans. :-)
But honestly I really wanted The Miz to win it. But since he has the IC title now I dunno.

What do you think of people who are interested in the genealogical tree?

I mean it's fine to see how far back your bloodline goes and what it all meant. me personally. I don't think looking in the past far beyond my time is gonna do much. But that is just right now.

If you had one wish, what would you wish for?

Honestly I would be selfish I would wish for my big break, but then use my fame and/or wealth to help others. I want to go to be at night knowing I somehow made a difference and helped. It might sound cliche' but I seriously wish I could help more people get recognized for their potential.
Liked by: Brandy

Why are Australian dogs fastest in the world?

Well they are from Australia. That place has Nitro in their bloodstream. I'm envious

Feeling heartbroken. Lost a very important,wonderful, smart, God loving family friend of mine last week. She was such a Beautiful soul. I will miss her dearly.

I am so sorry for you loss. I am not a fan of this part of life. Remember the great times and memories but never forget to live your life twice for the people you miss. (HUG)


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