
Bobby Ramos

Ask @DinoWinwoodsGhost

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What does someone say when they like a 80s song they say "that 80s feel" to it

Chances are those people are born in the 90's

#2 to go back . Focused. One track mind. I wish from now I can look back at how my miserable my life was and be able to say "i fought my demons" and you are a good friend to everyone also :')

(HUG) You are a fighter and can win. You have made it this far. The kindest people tend to come across some real dick's in sheep's clothing. But you will meet people who won't take advantage of you. Stay Strong. I'm rooting for you.

Do you ever had a goal recently or before and you ever get good complements by good people and other ones have no business to say to you that your not going a good job you just wanna tell the truth if u don't like it then close your mouth and shut it to them i'm trying to lose weight again

Oh yeah all the time. Those people are just pissed off because they are not doing anything constructive so they have to bring others down. You can lose weight. Weight is not perminantly on unless you want it to. Losing weight involves some sort of discipline, I am not thin but I am smaller than what I use to be. Find something fun and active to do and continue to do it. Pushing yourself more and more. (Music always helps me from thinking things are repetitive.
Liked by: Candice

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Have you ever felt like you have nothing else to live for? I have that feeling now, and i dont really know want i want to do with my life.

I have gone through that since I was a kid. I struggle every day to keep myself sane and I am not going to lie I have tried in the past to end things before they began. I'm in NO WAY saying to try it. But I am glad I didn't succeed because I have come to know some amazing people and have had some amazing times in my life. Mainly because I didn't want to worry about life getting older and older, I was more sad that I was not living, and when I say Living I don't mean opening my eyes everyday and breathing. I made sure that whatever I earned from work (at a shitty job serving ice cream at Baskin Robbins) and I got my ass to Europe. It took me a long time but when I had the money I used it.
That was back when I was in my early 20's, Now I am in my early 30's. I have finally seen what makes me happy and what I want to do with my life. It took me a while but I am here now and I have lost some friends and loved ones and I have had my shares of defeat more than the taste of victory. But the things I savoured the most was proving all those who wanted to see me fail Wrong. Life is full of sad moments that will hurt a lot more than others but I am not lying or bullshitting you because I don't want anyone to do that to me, when I say That Life IS worth living. You will get to where you want to be. You WILL find what you are good at. We are lucky enough to live in a time where you can become successful for just about anything these days. Though my goal seems a far away place, there have been times that remind why it is a goal. Just please take a deep breath, put on some music and lay down. Don't do anything else. Just lay on your bed and close your eyes. When you wake up the next day it will be a new day. There are no deadlines in life, Anyone ever tells you anything like that has there head up someplace where the sun don't shine (They're ass).
I don't know who you are, but I can assure you that you are NOT the only one who feels this way. This means you have passion to do something to make a difference in anything. I BELIEVE IN YOU and I know I cannot be the only one, but if this is the first time you have heard that being told to you then all that will be asked of you is to PLEASE believe me. Please Be Safe and above all Don't Give Up (HUG).

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I thought it was "I've Become A Wet Dream Tomato" :-/

Having a discussion with a friend about who delivers better proms. I say raven he says bray wyatt. Who you got on this?

Jake Roberts

Who will be the next person you will kiss?

I really do not know. I might end up kissing my damn arm.

Are you afraid to lose a friend?

Yes Very Much So. I am afraid that they will not want me around anymore and all the fun times will end. I know that sometimes I can be a difficult friend and well vice versa in some cases. But I Love my Friends and I consider them family.

Are you a fan of Donny? And your opinions on Joey Fat Fat Asssssssss

Link me and I will give you my opinion :-)

Do you watch the CBS Show, Big Brother?

I sure do. I tend to talk about it with this Super Dope and Cute Friend of mine named Jesa. She Like Wabbits!

If Teddy Long put you in a tag team match, who would you want as your partner?

Well since it would be a 10-Man tag I would pick My Comedy Team:Topgun Talwar, Kikutaro, The One Man Leroy Wolfpack and Colt Cabana
Or My Death Team: Kevin Steen, Willie Mack, and The RockNES Monsters

Are you a Guerrero or a Tatsu? (Mexican or Asian) I always though you were latino but someone told me you were like Asian somehow

A Mix of a Mr.Hughs, Ralphus, Yokozuna and Jerry Flynn


Language: English