
Bobby Ramos

Ask @DinoWinwoodsGhost

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What song did you most recently get tired of due to its overplaying?

What the fox say, Gangnam Style, Anything By LMFAO (Too Many To List)
Liked by: justino

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What do you think of the Stadium Series in Dodger Stadium I don't live in LA I live in Minnesota so I know its hot in mid day and cold at night time

Fuck Baseball. :-)

what is it like being struck by a earthquake in la? i only experienced 1 in my life for like 10 seconds.

JohnBash’s Profile PhotoJohn Bash
It's like someone is pushing your bed against your will.

Will you guys from NL ever play EWR again? I loved those videos with WCW and TNA

Up to Johnny for he has the broadcasting power.

I don't care what people say your my friend if your skinny big bone everyone is equil :)

haha well glad you are not a weighcist :-)

i made the caw but cant upload them because the person said no to reuploading their creations but i made doink winwood, midget dino winwood, and midget doink winwood sorry dino ill try something else but idk so what would you want?

kolton45’s Profile Photokolton neville
Dr.Death Dino Willwoods

Are you a good friend helping out someone who is a good person that having a rough week

I would like to think so. A lot of times they don't tell me but if I saw it I would do everything I could to help them forget about troubles.


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