
Bobby Ramos

Ask @DinoWinwoodsGhost

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So the WWE Raw discussion threads on the Wrestling Figs forums are now filled with ArmVD and nL jokes thanks to me and a lot of fans. Makes discussions a lot better when arm strength is involved.

I seriously am So Very Grateful to fans like you and the others You all seriously got the word out more and more about us and I cannot thank you enough, and I will do everything in me to keep entertaining you. Thank You So Very Much. :-)

You ever considered doing a CAW league and what style do you wrestle in?

I have, I mean once I get the stuff to broadcast I already have a steady roster of characters on every game I have CAW on. I always put myself with Minimal Lucha with some strong style. In real life I do comedy.

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When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Job Wise I wanted to be an Actor or a Wrestler.
Person wise I wanted to be Rambo, Terminator, Rocky, Commando, Spider-Man, He-Man, Batman.

What was the best/funniest thing that ever happened in school? High/College/Elementary etc. -gettheclamps12

I was a Freshman and was leaving P.E I saw this Beautiful tall blonde girl in a Black Poka Dot dress and it was something out of an Italian Coming Of Age film cause as I was just captivated by her, the wind picked up heavily and it blew her dress up, It was nice to see she coordinated underneath.
Here's a song to go with said description.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNZbrFEGQvkDinoWinwoodsGhost’s Video 65147865047 VNZbrFEGQvkDinoWinwoodsGhost’s Video 65147865047 VNZbrFEGQvk
College I was in line waiting in line to get books for a class and I ended up talking to possibly the only Asian girl to ever show interest in me, I later got her number but we never went out because her Church schedule conflicted with personal life.
Elementary School I was given a Caught You Being Good slip and we had an assembly where the winners are chosen and get to pick from a bunch of cool prizes (Back when schools had money) Everyone kept saying they were gonna get the Bart Simpson phone if they were chosen. I was the first one called up and played with the crowd going near the phone and I could hear their voices like "Awwww" then I made it look like I was gonna go for a cool Trapper Keeper then doubled back and grabbed the phone and held it up high. Some were sad while my friends and I were happy as a pig in shit. :-)

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DinoWinwoodsGhost’s Video 65147865047 VNZbrFEGQvkDinoWinwoodsGhost’s Video 65147865047 VNZbrFEGQvk

Predictions for Night of Champions?

As much as I want 3MB to surprise everyone and win the TUrmoil I think either Uso's or PTP will get the win, Since they made SHIELD, HHH's Security it took away major steam at least from me. So I hope the winning team gets the titles and starts bringing some light to the Tag Team Division.
AJ BETTER keep the title. She is seriously the only one with some character even though it's a set up for that damn reality show.
Punk I want him to win because well I think Axel is boring as shit and once he is beaten Punk is about to get his hands on Heyman but then Bork comes out and Unleashes The Piss on him.
I want Ambrose and Ziggs to be a great match but I would like to see Dolph get the title because it would bring back attention to the mid-card.
Bryan should get the title back and have whoever HHH brings in try to take the title from him cause I am already tired of the recycling shit and Orton has STILL not stepped up on his character so he doesn't deserve the spotlight.
I haven't been paying attention to Del Rio/RVD AT ALL I dunno why Ricardo is with him it seems slapped together and boring so Please prove me wrong and have a good match.

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which would you rather do? Train your Arm Strength with RVD? Have Lita suck your Cawk? Have Joey Styles mix up your gimmick or Redo Diesels first theme in WWE?

Enter to Diesel's theme (Cause it is perfect the way it was the 1st time around) have Joey Styles Call the Match and have Lita who was fresh from a 3 Week course of Arm Strength Training suck some cawk.

What's your favorite horror theme of all time? No cop outs. Got to pick ONE!

Damn it. Ok I would have to say my favorite Horror Theme is ( top 5)
5.) The Omen "Ave Satani"
4.) The Beyond "Voci dal Nulla "
3.)¿Quién puede matar a un niño? (Who Could Kill A Child)- "Biafra, Auschwitz, Vietnam"
2.)Candy Man "Main Theme"
1.) Proffondo Rosso (Deep Red) "Main Theme"

Most saves of EWR have you on it as a manager. On my game you are now GM and color commentator of Raw and Smackdown.

Thanks, I wish I had that steady schedule in real life, Must make this a reality :-)

Thoughts on Chikara? Also what you think about everything going down right now with them.

I loved the place, it reminded me a lot of the company I started with called Revolution Pro (Based In Southern California). I never got to talk with Quack but everyone I knew from there that came down to the Ape Wrestling was always Courteous and Respectful and when I went there to visit it was that times a million, I wish I had the funds to visit more and more especially before the ones I knew went off to WWE. But Chikara was 1 of my favorite Indy Promotions (Inter Species Wrestling being the other).
Last time I heard it was closed down but now it's trying to come back. I think it was a bad idea (if it's a work) I know a lot of Great people from that promotion and it makes me sad that a fed with growing potential closed it's doors due to bad decisions. I would have loved to call a match there or gone back one more time to visit all my peeps.

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If you had a choice would you rather wrestle,commentate,manage or announce in any wrestling promotion?-AbdullahHepC

A Great but tough question
When I was younger I would have said wrestle ( I was in much better shape back then (though I would like to take my Super Happy Fun Death Match all over the world), I would love to color commentate anywhere my weirdness and obscure references need a broader audience lol. Managing is something I have missed for a long time at the risk of sounding cocky I think I would bring a comedy element to everyone I manage but if serious I can be serious like a mofo.
I think managing would be the one I pick, I know I can work better with RVD :-P

Are you usually the heart breaker or the heart broken?

Heart Broken, I have only had to break up one of my relationships doesn't mean it hurt less., she treated me like shit.

What was the best bday you ever had? -Gettheclamps

a few years ago I think I was my 25 or 26th but my friend picked me up to take me to the zoo to see the Pandas and then we spent the night hanging out at Scott Lost's place and just had a great weekend. By far my all time favorite birthday as a grown up.
But my All Time favorite is when my Dad said we were gonna go for a ride and he ended up taking me to the Los Angeles Sports Arena to my first ever Wrestling show :-)

Happy birthday, Mr Dino What's the one thing you would like to happen on your birthday?

getting a call that I got a steady acting gig (Voice or on screen), or to find out I got a crush lol

What's one thing everyone should do in their lifetime?

Initiate a "Wake Up" for adults being woken up by someone you love to make love is like Christmas for Adults. ;-)
Also live Life not by someone else standards but by their own. You can be responsible but you should never lose track of the things that make you happy from childhood to recent time. The worst thing you can do is forget about what makes you smile.

What is this "Bolo" project you're referring to?

It is a parody of the BOLA tournament where the winner either gets a Bolo tie or gets to meet martial arts Legend Bolo Yeung. But it would mostly be a comedy tournament. :-)

No idea if you saw when I asked you last on Twitter, but I was wondering if you'd be interested in lending your voice to a silly efed show I'm doing. Blake said chances are you'd be on board with it. Name on Twitter is @TiffyLockhart , we've interacted a decent amount on my old account.

oh yeah hi I know who you are. Yeah I would be more than happy to help.


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