
Bobby Ramos

Ask @DinoWinwoodsGhost

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What's your opinion on ADR's title reign?

It doesn't mean anything. He is just a guy holding the title, no threat, no build up. They fucked up by turning him face then trying to make him heel again. The Aristocrat thing was brilliant but then they tried to make him another Eddie. We all know he is just hanging onto the title to drop to anyone but him. It's a bummer too because I like ADR.

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Hurricane vs Undertaker Wrestlemania 30 who are you going for?

Hurricane, turns the Last Ride into a Super Eye Of The Hurricane for the 1,2,3, Streak Ended!

if nL was a wrestling promotion and you where in charge (also not only nl guys but also itsrainingmeng and hoganvsflair) who would you book as champs (single major, single minor, tag, and womens) and who would your feuds be with and what are the backstories??? lol sorry for the long ass question.

Michael Roberson
Blacktus Black As Ernest P. Worrell Champ, Tag Team Champs Mecha Droz and Giga Jarrett, Womens Champ Ted Diabetes, Fuck Dino Champion Susan Boyle

Ok so you're alone in a hotspring with tanaka, youre both feeling lonely, horny, and have drank a little to much sake, what do?

What always happens in a situation like that, She reveals she's part cat I reveal I am a tentacle monster and we have freaky almost violent type love making to a fast paced techno song.
Liked by: Joshua Pichardo

I remember watching an nL vid and someone asked u to do an Arn Anderson impression and you had no idea what he sounded like. Which makes me wonder.... WHAT THE HELL DOES ARN ANDERSON SOUND LIKE?????

Michael Roberson
The guy has talked but he was just not that memorable lol. Great matches but never heard "Oh Man, you gotta hear this Arn Anderson Promo"
Liked by: Michael Roberson

What was the most scariest or traumatizing experience you ever had? (if not too personal)

I shared a bed with Quicksilver and this chick that gave him a handski. The bed was rocking back and fourth and I pulled the covers over my head like an audience member at a Gallagher concert, preying to god I didn't get sprayed on.
Liked by: kendra creek

What type of women turns you on?

This is an interesting question lol. I grew up being observant by this I mean I notice many things about people that I find fascinating, especially with women. I was taught to love all woman, to treat all woman with respect, but I came to realize there are certain things I seem to lose control over (In a Tex Avery Wolf kind of way).
Tall women I see as beautiful statues created by the gods in order for us to gaze and look up upon and I get this urge to just reach the top and kiss the lips as my reward for such hard work.
Shorter women I feel a connection with because well I am not a tall man but if I wanted to look into their eyes and kiss them I am merely a turn of the head away.
Tattooed & Pierced Women I see as a form of beauty that they felt the need to add art or something extra to an already perfect creation. The pictures they have are a whole new form of interactive art, while the piercings area nice hint of cold when all you feel is warmth.
Non pierced or tattooed Women who are fine with the gifts they are born with though, don't mind too much if certain marks are left from the heat of the moment.
It seems I am attracted to those who love to live life and just take joy in the things they do, I find out they either are ashamed of the things they take joy in and wanna live up to others expectations or live up to their lifestyle to the point where if they let anyone in they fear it would change things.
Sexual History or weight mean nothing to me cause well I feel it does not make the person (even though I live in a world where 99% is all look requirements) We all have things we desire and I have encountered many different forms of love making and it brings to a conclusion that There Is No Normal, when it comes to Love Making.
I am sure this was not an essay question lol but it is a subject I have no problem speaking of in great detail (as you can see) But I see Women as a wonderful part of life, just like Music, Film, A Painting, A Sculpture, or any Written Words. Perhaps that is why it hurts so much when I get rejected by them whether it be a simple conversation or long devotion and they suddenly realize they don't want me anymore.
This was playing as I was answering, figured I would share.
http://youtu.be/IcEwsoR8J0YDinoWinwoodsGhost’s Video 62137588183 IcEwsoR8J0YDinoWinwoodsGhost’s Video 62137588183 IcEwsoR8J0Y

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DinoWinwoodsGhost’s Video 62137588183 IcEwsoR8J0YDinoWinwoodsGhost’s Video 62137588183 IcEwsoR8J0Y
Liked by: Marco de Qualcosis

What impressions do you think soundwave or any other nL members do better then you can?

Michael Roberson
Soundwave does an AMAZING WOI BRRIT (Wade Barrett). Other than that I think Alex Fitzgerald does a great Cactus Jack, Steve Austin and Piper, Also my personal favorite Jaime Gum (Buffalo Bill)
Liked by: Michael Roberson

Do you remember what got you into watching wrestling?

I was watching tv when I was about 5 and I stumbled upon WWF and it was Superstars back in 1988. I was just blown away by what I saw, these guys who looked like my action figures were fighting in real life. I was hooked since
Liked by: kendra creek

You run into HHH in the middle of nowhere with no one else in sight, and hes carrying a shovel. What do you do?

Quickly draw "HHH" on my shirt so he doesn't bury me, then when his back is turned shank to the kidney and bury him but not before I wear his face, then go home to Steph.
Liked by: kendra creek

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoLs7fBGDz4&feature=youtube_gdata_player Charles Robinson vs Ultimate Warrior vs Paul London in a race to the ring at Wrestlemania 19. Who wins?

Michael Roberson
Robinson will be too busy fumbling with his belt and when his pants finally are undone he will trip over them, Warrior will still be running the apron of the ring, Paul will have already been in the ring but slid out the other end and when he gets back in, Warrior will have clothesline him thus causing him to do a sick moonsault.
Liked by: Michael Roberson


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