
Bobby Ramos

Ask @DinoWinwoodsGhost

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DUDE. 9/11 was your 18th birthday. that must have royally sucked. happy birthday anyway!

When it first happened yeah, It was a sad day in History. but we are still standing USA USA USA
Liked by: Candice

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So what if you can see, the darkest side of me.. No one will ever change this animal I have become.

Wow Three Days Grace.....wasn't expecting that lol.
Liked by: Candice

since they just debuted on Raw today. Got any good Zayn or Neville stories?

Lots a of great times but nothing too crazy. Neville loves sneakers and Hip Hop. Zayn is basically how you see him on tv Full of Life and Energy. Both amazing talents but also Amazing people to know :-)
Liked by: Candice

Even tho they would never do it would you like for wwe to go into seasons like they would start up in august with summer slam then go all the way to wrestlemania then take off for the summer?

It would be an interesting concept, and light a fire under the ass of the lazy writers. However what would we watch during the summer? TNA? Fuck that lol
Liked by: SoCal Adam Moms

Idk why but the part in the Low Ki promo that makes me laugh the most is that something flies into the screen and you just go from like smacking the ground to just saying "what the fuck"

Improved, I think Pearce threw something and so I ran with it. It does seem to get the most quotes lol. I remember at that time I was trying to get over a joke that Low Ki was sad because PWG didn't book him and so I would sing Alicia Keyes hit "You Don't Know My Name" as Ki singing "You don't book my name". It will never be a finished song mainly because it is an effective small joke.
Liked by: HotBoyLaFlare

I wouldve never expected u as a Tyler The Creator listener.

lol thanks? I am a firm believer in that everyone should listen to everything no select style or way. Music is out there to enjoy why not take advantage. My taste spans from Classical to Dubstep the U.S. to Beyond the globe. :-) Funny thing is Tyler is playing right now on my GTA menu.

Do you enjoy Tyler the Creator as a rapper or comedian. I prefer his comedy over rapping because of shit like this http://youtu.be/w9HII4RCKeU and this http://youtu.be/MKralilKSxM

To be honest its a rough call. I enjoy his music because of them hot ass beat claps, He touches on subjects through the eyes of the socially awkward and can paint a picture of the situation and mindset of the characters. His comedy is hilarious because he is doing things I would do if I had the money and platform.
I still prefer this track.
http://youtu.be/9-fFHZuIa40?t=51sDinoWinwoodsGhost’s Video 117029678551 9-fFHZuIa40DinoWinwoodsGhost’s Video 117029678551 9-fFHZuIa40
Liked by: Pincente

How do you relax at the end of the day?

WANK. I mean I sit in my room and listen to music with the lights off and drift away, trying to make music videos in my head to go to the song playing through my headphones.
Liked by: Joey Pitt

In your opinion, what is the greatest pro wrestling storyline of all time?

MAcho Man Randy Savage Vs Jake The Snake Roberts (Cobra in wedding gift, Cobra Attack, Slapped Elizabeth, Almost sabotaging whoever went through the curtain with a chair shot) Still the greatest.
Liked by: Pincente

Dino I'm a 16 year old Irish boy and my dream is to become a wrestler but as you can imagine the chance isn't really there and I was wondering if you somehow knew of any schools or promotions in Ireland that can help me I'm not a smart guy so school isn't an option for me long term

First off Greetings and Second You are smart don't let anybody tell you differently, everyday we learn something whether it be a skill or lesson in life that makes you a smart person. As for promotions in Ireland I have not seen too many around for sadly it is difficult for me to find ones to follow. I say look into your local schools or camps and start getting yourself into shape, I cannot say how they will be towards you (Though I hope they will see your potential and desire to be a wrestler). Start off watching the basics, World Of Sport Wrestling is the best for basics as well as stuff that is not really used today but will be well received. Keep a character of yourself in your mind and worry about that later for now get your training. Thankfully with the internet you can look into schools and go with which you feel is best, it doesn't have to be prestigious or pricey, as long as they are wanting to train you for the sport and not the money (but they will charge in some way). I wish I could be of more help, but I am glad to hear that the wrestling world has someone new who would like to get into the sport. I wish you the best of luck in everything with your journey and PLEASE keep me posted on your progress. I am rooting for you and I know that I am not the only one.

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Liked by: Yesenia Manrriquez

Why don't you just install OBS on your computer, and stream a blank screen with you talking over it? I'd watch it!

Joey Pitt
I am computer illiterate and I run on a program I know nothing about even more.
Liked by: Joey Pitt

How was your wrestling career? Twitter: @KauseKrisSaidSo

Kris Gutierrez
It was fun, still going on, just slowly but surely. I know I won't get a huge break with it, but If given the random opportunity to be taken serious I will unload the ideas. For now all I do is watch and wait for the ego's to be put aside and actually ask for help or input on actually helping a promotion instead of relying on fly in's.
Liked by: Kris Gutierrez

Any Recommendations on who to watch over in Jap land? Love you full Homo by the way <3

Matthew 'Big White' Gallacher
Kikutaro,Hirooki Goto,Tomoaki Honma,Tomohiro Ishii,Tetsuya Naito,Yuji Nagata,Shinsuke Nakamura,Kazuchika Okada,Katsuyori Shibata,Hiroshi Tanahashi,Masato Tanaka,El Desperado,Kota Ibushi,Jushin "Thunder" Liger,Taka Michinoku,Kotaro Suzuki,Katsuhiko Nakajima,Takeshi Rikiō,Ricky Marvin,Naomichi Marufuji,Yoshinobu Kanemaru
Liked by: Pincente

Top 5 Undertaker matches?

Vs Brock (Hell IN A Cell)
VS Mankind (Hell IN A Cell)
Vs Shawn Michaels (In Your House)
Vs Jeff Hardy (RAW Ladder Match)
VS Punk (Mania)
Liked by: Clamps

Do you tell people IRL about your online shenanigans? If so, what is their initial reaction to hearing it?

I sure do and I say it proudly. They usually chuckle at the stuff I mention, My family likes the parts where we help with charities. :-)
Liked by: Candice


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