
Bobby Ramos

Ask @DinoWinwoodsGhost

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Have you ever felt like you have nothing else to live for? I have that feeling now, and i dont really know want i want to do with my life.

I have gone through that since I was a kid. I struggle every day to keep myself sane and I am not going to lie I have tried in the past to end things before they began. I'm in NO WAY saying to try it. But I am glad I didn't succeed because I have come to know some amazing people and have had some amazing times in my life. Mainly because I didn't want to worry about life getting older and older, I was more sad that I was not living, and when I say Living I don't mean opening my eyes everyday and breathing. I made sure that whatever I earned from work (at a shitty job serving ice cream at Baskin Robbins) and I got my ass to Europe. It took me a long time but when I had the money I used it.
That was back when I was in my early 20's, Now I am in my early 30's. I have finally seen what makes me happy and what I want to do with my life. It took me a while but I am here now and I have lost some friends and loved ones and I have had my shares of defeat more than the taste of victory. But the things I savoured the most was proving all those who wanted to see me fail Wrong. Life is full of sad moments that will hurt a lot more than others but I am not lying or bullshitting you because I don't want anyone to do that to me, when I say That Life IS worth living. You will get to where you want to be. You WILL find what you are good at. We are lucky enough to live in a time where you can become successful for just about anything these days. Though my goal seems a far away place, there have been times that remind why it is a goal. Just please take a deep breath, put on some music and lay down. Don't do anything else. Just lay on your bed and close your eyes. When you wake up the next day it will be a new day. There are no deadlines in life, Anyone ever tells you anything like that has there head up someplace where the sun don't shine (They're ass).
I don't know who you are, but I can assure you that you are NOT the only one who feels this way. This means you have passion to do something to make a difference in anything. I BELIEVE IN YOU and I know I cannot be the only one, but if this is the first time you have heard that being told to you then all that will be asked of you is to PLEASE believe me. Please Be Safe and above all Don't Give Up (HUG).

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I have a Problem. Life's Been tough, not long ago My Mom died and everything changed. My Brother got into drugs and My Dad's been more paranoid then ever. The only one that hasn't changed is me and it's been so bad that I almost committed suicide last year. But nL stopped it but what would you do?

First off I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I cannot even begin to imagine what you are going through. With that being said I would say in that situation if the family can't hold it together then they would not be honoring her memory. You are doing the best thing you can do and that is to go on with your life. I am in NO WAY saying to forget about her, she is your Mom that is always gonna be in your heart, But the one thing she would want you to do is to make sure you live a long and healthy life. But to not also carry the weight of others on your shoulders. I have tried to commit suicide in the past and every time I tried I failed this opened my eyes because I had a lot to offer and life did as well (No matter how alone I felt), Also it was my opportunity to prove everyone who wanted to see me fail wrong. But the more important thing was that if I ended my life and succeeded in my attempts how much I would be hurting not just those who were still around but also those who passed on before me. Though I am far from perfect after all of that (I sometimes think the worst from time to time) I know that if I were to give up on living I would just be proving all the haters right and break the hearts of those who love me (Living or Passed). As for your other family members I would sit each other down in some way and try to let each other know you are together ( I understand with drugs it's harder which means you might have to seek bigger help). Thing will get harder but the best way to go about them is to make sure you never lose track of the parts in life that make you happy as well as the people that make you happy. I really don't know how much of help this was but the fact that you were brave enough to bring this to me says a lot about you, and I mean that in the most positive way (HUG) Please stay strong

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But those who had it, but it was never meant to be with that other person I say never forget how you felt, your frame of mind and how happy you were and remember that you are capable of love because you were willing to give your heart and soul to that person who may not have loved you back the same way, but let YOU know that when you do meet the person you are meant to be with the feelings will be returned.

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Do everything and Anything that makes you happy with the people who make you happy. Go Out, Stay in, If you got a car go on night drives just for the hell of it, with your music playing, have regular hang out nights and do the things you can only do with those you both decided to let into each others worlds. Nobody knows how long they will be around. I don't mean that in a grim way I mean that Life happens and everyone grows up so be sure you fill your head up with good times and remember that nobody can take away those times.
I loved my senor year, I was a geek but a well known geek. But I had a group of friends where every friday we would go to our friends house who was closest to the school but not until we collected all of our lunch money from during the week to hit up the store and buy a bunch of junk food and then get back in time for ECW on TNN and then RPG until the late hours of the night, when we got bored we would play N64 All Night. We try to do that as much as we can but with everyone gaining responsibilities and/or moving far away it is few and far between, but what might seem like a typical stay at home is the Event of the year for us.
I wish you all the Greatest for your Senor year and On :-)

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What are 10 (physical/personality) characteristics a girl must have to win Dino's heart?

Miss Death
Well the usual physical traits are a no brainer but I will say I have to see her eyes ( I Love Eyes, any color but size matters with me lol). Curves too, Bones are for dogs and I am a carnivore. I like tattoos I dunno why but I do, same thing goes with Glasses I think they are cute on a girl.
She has to have her own style, whether it be dresses or a t-shirt. No matter what it is she will rock it because she is wearing what she digs. Also being crafty in any way. Creation and inspiration is a turn on.
She has to have an open mind, not just with music, film, books, food but even when it comes to pleasure ( I did some reading in my pubescent years), also she is not into B.S. she has to speak her mind but expect others to do so as well.
When I notice someone I always try to take notice of the things that stand out, I have been alone for so long all I would do is observe, especially in my teens. I was shot down, laughed at, and shunned all because I expressed interest so I just sat on the side and people watched so over the years it added up to my appreciation to those who were not being fully appreciated.
Sorry for rambling lol.

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