

Ask @Charchar2heheh

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Is there a specific amount of time that needs to pass before plumies can become mates/married? Do we need to provide a snip of rp with a proposal or something? :o Thanks~ :)

Nope, you can do whatever you want, just post once they're official so the countdown to when they can breed can start if you're gonna want them to breed ~

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I'm just saying, I think that you kind of were Biased, sorry You picked a form that was like 2 paragraphs long That just doesn't happen out of the blue D:

I stated really clearly in the first post -- QUALITY over QUANTITY. I don't count paragraph lengths and I don't know the user, so idk how it was biased xD Also asked advice of two guest judges so?

What did you do to judge the 3 hour impress me? Like what do you look for in forms? ;-;

Development/uniqueness of character + effort uvu

sketch answers !!

hehe it's finally FRIDAY and i really want to sketch my plumies more/play with their personalities and whatnot! so I'm doing sketch answers~
I'll do my best to answer pretty much ANYTHING you send in as long as it's appropriate! Although I can't guarantee my plumies will be totally truthful xD
OH and please specify which plumie/s you're asking, I'm too lazy to answer for all of them for every question xD If you don't specify I'll just choose one or two!
Here are my eight ;;
angel // http://www.chickensmoothie.com/Forum/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=2297947&hilit=angel
nutmeg // http://www.chickensmoothie.com/Forum/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=2319886&hilit=angel
quinn // http://www.chickensmoothie.com/Forum/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=2357110&hilit=angel
gabriel // http://www.chickensmoothie.com/Forum/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=2365308&hilit=angel
ravi // http://www.chickensmoothie.com/Forum/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=2424244&hilit=ravi
siren // http://www.chickensmoothie.com/Forum/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=2475075
shoo // http://www.chickensmoothie.com/Forum/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=2501210&hilit=shoo
tori // http://www.chickensmoothie.com/Forum/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=2555495&hilit=tori
So yep! Thanks so much for any questions :D [Ask RPs are cool too, since I've been looking to RP them more & I can sketch them along with the RP post and all that!]

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customs can be very rares, right?

The individual staff's allowed custom rarities can be found on the front page under the type of staff they are^^

Rate series (movies or books) in order from fav to least fav: Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Twilight, Hunger Games

HG, LoTR, HP, Twilight
I've never actually read any of twilight/seen any of the movies but it seems pretty dumb from little snippets I've seen xD

OK so. I know there is always anon hate and outspoken hate. So this is some anon love <3 You as a owner and artist and a human (even if ur a zombie or robot etc |D) are beautiful! you deserve what you have and please be grateful and happy you do! you deserve that!! So from me to you, you r Amazing!

Hhhh that's so sweet of you ; A ; thank you so much<33

This may have been asked before, but is there a possibility of an item to remove pps from a plumerian?

It's possible but the idea of a PPS is generally for them to stay a kid. If you don't like that you probably shouldn't try for PPS plumies ;v;

I think that you, by far, are the best species owner on CS right now. the newest rule you made is so considerate of others, and I love how you're always making an effort to be level headed and reasonable. I myself tend to be lazy when it comes to replies, but I'll make an effort from now on! Cx <3

ahhh you're too kind ;//v//; i really appreciate the sweet words<3

awwhh i really love that family art you did of Nutmeg, Daytona and the orphaned plum. Its really cute and the color is just so nice! I hope they become a happy family. nvn <33

TobyTheMicrokia’s Profile PhotoYenneii
Ahhh you're too sweet! I hope so too, but we'll see, there's some really great forms for it! Regardless of the winner I hope the Daymeg couple ends up being able to befriend them, such a cutie nvn

HOw's it going? What are you up to? What are you excited for?

not so great ... Just school mostly. Not excited for much of anything besides the weekend uwu

How's your traditional art compared to digital?

awful awful awful oh god
i do not understand all these people who are like gr8 at digital art and then their traditional is eveN BETTER HOW
Liked by: pete [thanks pete]

-- also

I don't know why you put that in quote marks as if it was a direct quote from me?
I said "customs tend to get all the nice edits" or something along those lines. If you check the timer I spent well near 4 hours on that girl getting all her fluff and designs just right for you guys. Never anything about "heaviness" although her edits are pretty heavy. :/

hey char, i know this sounds rude but it isn't my intent...anyway, plumie #421 you said that "most heavily edited plumies are customs, so i made this one for you". but hair and minor fluff edits really don't compare to Tori perse, her tail, legs, fluff, and /major/ hair and face- all edited. :/

Man, I'm sorry I didn't make you an exact replica of Tori. She was made way before her, and tbh all the people yelling at me about edits made me almost not post her. The idea isn't to make a replica of Tori, I was just trying to do something nice. :/
Idk how face edits have to do with it, anyone can edit their plumies expression. The only main difference I see is legs? And #421 has a lot more fliff.
She has major neck/hair/tail/butt & tummy fluff edits. That's not exactly minor. If that's still not good enough for you, just don't try out. I'm done dealing with this.
Liked by: pete [thanks pete]


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