

Ask @Charchar2heheh

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YOU'RE LITERALLY THE SWEETEST AND KINDEST PERSON EVER OMG. All the other adoptables sell for personal gain (which is totally fine!!!) but you did it for charity. You're the most amazing adoptable owner ever~~~~

AH MY GOODNESS this just made my day //A\\ thank you thank you sweetheart ♥

char, you are such a good person omg. the ONE time you sell plumies its for charity. Thank you for being so awesome, and even though i would support you if you did do auctions for pocket money, doing it for charity makes it that much cooler.

;A; Ah gosh you're too sweet! I'm just amazed how much they went for and how fabulously supportive you all are hnnng <3
I just shopped for like 3 hours to buy all the food (OH GOD THE POOR CHECKOUT LADY) and got a bit over 1000 nonperishables in all different food categories. This is going to feed a lot of people this Christmas... Just wow, guys, I think it's amazing we could make such a huge difference.
With the auction money combined with my parents matching half, we had to use like half a dozen shopping carts and my moms car is now covered in food xD

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Does it matter how big our pieces are for Secret Santa? Nothing absurdly small like 5x5 of course, but I mean 100x100 sort of thing.

That'd be fine!

and so i'm hella excited for the rest of your mountain equids to be judged! like that dripped stripping one, and bothdark bays! do u know when you will pick winners? sorry im just hella excite

Ah thank u!! Hopefully very soon, I apologize for the delay nvn

i'll give you monty for a gaston plumie

Kurlozsplumies’s Profile Photodanny
Srry man Lilly would kill me and knock over my lunc- OH WAIT SHES ALREADY DONE BOTH
Deal. -takes Monty and immediately makes into edgy murder character- Thx will take great care

Since you're running the SS (I assume cause you made the thread) then how is it gunna work cause you're also participating. Like how are you not gunna know who has you

Tiny and I are gonna split it up; we'll each randomize the half we're not in :D
Liked by: Dare


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