

Ask @Charchar2heheh

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do only hide the items in your resent posts? or could there be some items hidden through out the fan club from like 3 moths ago, just the items have been edited into the post?

they can be hidden in ANY of my fanclub posts (X
Liked by: THE PLUM BOX

Are there still items hidden now?

And why would I tell you that? (;
Items will be hidden at random intervals, you'll never know when one's been hidden!
Liked by: THE PLUM BOX

Is the chatzy still going on uvu

Oh no, it finished hours ago
I mean I suppose the chatzy's still up? But the contest for the semicustom is over uwu
Liked by: THE PLUM BOX

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is there any limit to how much hair we can add using the special shampoo? (within reason, of course) and can we have someone add it to our refs for us?

It shouldn't be more than half the height of the plumie lines, and yep! :3
Liked by: THE PLUM BOX

so, do we just have to look for them (the hidden objects hidden around the FC) constantly?

I mean, you don't have to? No one's forcing to you? But you can if you want?
Liked by: THE PLUM BOX

Do you still do the hidden objects around on the fan club? If so had anyone gotten them yet?How many people? //shot lots of questions //

Yep, they just started yesterday xD One person has gotten a bottle of special shampoo uwu;
Liked by: THE PLUM BOX

When hiding items like the hair potion and stuff, will you post or make a hint that you hidden items or no? qvq

Definitely not! It's a challenge o 3 o ;;
Liked by: THE PLUM BOX

will there be events in the future where you have to code/draw/write for things like raffle tickets, or 'best ____' wins a prize, etc, not just raffles? cx

Oh, most definitely! I'm hoping to come up with some sort of universal plumie currency to be gained via events - whether through raffles or contests or whatnot - that could be traded in for items at certain times.
There is possibility of a Halloween event (probably would be some kind of art contest? Idk) but that all depend on how busy school gets, so don't count on it uvu; We'll most likely hav a winter event or something though!

The Chesian breeding, but like I said I have a ton of other characters I can use so there is no rush at all! The deadline is a week from now, though since you have another breeding first I assume it might take longer than that. I just wanted to see if I should send in my request now or wait a bit <3

Krexxa’s Profile Photomars ✨
you're the next breeding I'm doing; so I think there's a good chance it'll be done by then. ^W^
Liked by: THE PLUM BOX

When do you think you might get around to making the last two breedings? I just won an art raffle and I'm trying to decide if my plumie's baby will be born before the deadline to turn in winners' requests or not - there's no rush since I have other characters and I know you're uber busy right now <3

I really don't know. Which breeding is yours? uvu;
Liked by: THE PLUM BOX

(Forgot to say it's Latte, yes. |D) Latte;; It's alright... hah, I've heard talk of other love troubles whilst working at the cafe, too. So much drama around here... -smiles sadly and thinks before hugging Angel- Um... sorry. I'll wait until you're ready, I can do that. ;//u//;

lattebiscotto’s Profile PhotomintyMocha
Angel; -hugs- Thank you for everything Latte. I'm ... I'm really sorry. Especially for ruining things between you and Alani :c

How old are your plumies??

Good question! I kinda imagine them as all young adults; in their 20s or so? I suck at specific ages o v o ;;
Nutmeg and Quinn are a bit younger than Angel and Gabriel uwu;

plumes are really hard to get ; D ;

Nah, they really aren't x'D If you're dedicated, there are loads of short contests, FCFS, etc that are quite easy to win! And if you put your mind to it, longer comps aren't so tricky either :3
Look at it this way, its a lot easier than kias or JBDs! :P
Liked by: PurpleKakashi

Does Angel want a love?

Angel's had a hard life. It would be hard for her to fall in love so quickly, easily, and utterly as other plumies seem to expect.

what program do you use to make smooth/clean animations?

I don't have anything for making good smooth/clean animations :c I draw everything in sai and then upload to various animating sites, but they tend to kill the quality, so that sucks u___u

Do you think Nutmeg will ever get married to the plumie she is dating?

I mean, maybe? It's definitely not a "no" but they've only been dating 2 days; I can't be entirely sure if they're gonna get married yet x'DD


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