

Ask @Charchar2heheh

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while still enforcing rules. dont even get me started on your designing skills, darling. all of your designs are so perfect, the lines are clean and smooth, and your choice of colors are spot on every time. not to mention how amazing your art is, i mean, your style is amazingly unique, [cont.]

oh_deer’s Profile Photooh deer
Liked by: sooshy

and amazingly adorable!! your art just kills me!! overall, you are someone that seems to be a jack of all trades. i think everyone could use to be a little more like you. im lucky to have the privilege of being your friend.

oh_deer’s Profile Photooh deer
oh, my god, deer ; AAA ;
this is one of the sweetest things I ever heard ... hhh
I'm tearing up a little bit ;///;
omg, just ... thank you<333
Liked by: sooshy oh deer

For plum 200, I know you say it can't be immortal, but can it be exceptionally long-lived, like a sort of ancient nymph or something? /badly phrased question

No, it can't uvu I made the mistake of making it unclear on the dragon one; for this one, it just has a completely normal lifespan n_n

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I hope you're feeling okay. <3 If you're ever upset, just remember you have a lot of people who love your art and your large heart and there's no need to be sad. Hope you have a better night/day.

Ah you're so sweet ;///;
Honestly this made me feel a lot better ♥

it's okay ^^ // Izy;; well, I did. don't call me cute or I won't like you anymore. (They're so cute xD)

Flick;; What's that? You admit to liking me? |"D <3
(Omg I know)

Deimos;; -chokes on his own words before asking- Quinn, how does one tell another that they like them more than a friend? -goes back to hiding in his scarf-

WYRDacious’s Profile Photoaeiou.
Quinn; Hmm .. -thinks- You need to show them how seriously you take them. Come up with something special that fits them just exactly; their own personal tastes. Then tell them, just before it's over, how you feel.

gotta get a slot ;; gotta get a slot

candie babies coming soon hopefully screeee ♥ vee and I just have to catch a slot n__n


Flick;; -panics- you wERE NOT SUPPOSED TO SEE THAT
((ps I'm working on my fanforum account sorry aaa))

I was wondering why alter got that fab ops plumie? Did they win it on a jm or something X'D?

Not really win it, but yeah, it was cause of a JM we were both on ; v ;

Ah right. Sorry if I sound rude or anything, but a friend was telling me how she'd sent in a few questions over the past week and none were answered yet //shot// Sorry again, she's just curious

Oh? I can't think of why they wouldn't be, unless they were rude or I totally missed them, or they're tricky questions I've been thinking over. I have been on vacation. x"D
She's free to resend them ^ ^

Do you answer every single question you get? Do you get a lot of questions?

Nope, I usually don't answer rude, obnoxious, or simply stupid ones x"D Or ones that have been answered before.
Not a lot, but a decent amount, yeah ;v;

Have you looked at the archives lately? I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but we are now at Plumerian 208 and the archives are still at a standing hold at 50...

I'm fully aware of the situation, thank-you. c:

@flick: crush? why?

Flick;; Well, yeah. I'm sure you all know who q // v \\ q
She's just so strong yet cute and fierce ... uwahh ;///;

Snickerdoodle - how do you feel about being named after food?

Snickerdoodle;; It's great name, I think! n__n Annnnd I love snickerdoodles, so it works out perfectly!
PS sorry these sketches are so lazy x'D

@ Gabriel Do you have a crush on someonee? e v e

Gabriel;; Yeah, no. My line of work isn't exactly ideal for romance or little puppy-love "crushes". x'D
Liked by: alter ego

Sketch answers!

Yeah! I feel like making derpy little sketches in SAI :D
So ask my JBDs or Kiamaras or Plumies things and I'll answer with a doodle of them! ; u ;
Please don't say "at everyone" or "all kiamaras"; direct questions to specific ones, cause I can only upload 1 picture per ask n__n If you don't say anyone specific I'll choose myself ^ ^
Snickerdoodle; http://www.chickensmoothie.com/oekaki/image/image.php?id=1349964&size=large&format=auto&rev=1357480453
Starburst; http://www.chickensmoothie.com/oekaki/image/image.php?id=789224&size=large&format=png&rev=1325211051
Winnie; http://www.chickensmoothie.com/oekaki/image/image.php?id=1920690&size=large&format=auto&rev=1398131304
Veni; http://www.chickensmoothie.com/oekaki/image/image.php?id=1860196&size=large&format=auto&rev=1392687956
Aurore; http://www.chickensmoothie.com/oekaki/image/image.php?id=1110049&size=large&format=auto&rev=1344213199
Cheyenne; http://www.chickensmoothie.com/oekaki/image/image.php?id=1110831&size=large&format=auto&rev=1344362217
Apollo; http://www.chickensmoothie.com/oekaki/image/image.php?id=1397124&size=large&format=auto&rev=1360641396
Saqui; http://www.chickensmoothie.com/oekaki/image/image.php?id=1488237&size=large&format=auto&rev=1366654454
Angel; http://www.chickensmoothie.com/oekaki/image/image.php?id=1934992&size=large&format=auto&rev=1399498531 / http://www.chickensmoothie.com/oekaki/image/image.php?id=1935054&size=large&format=auto&rev=1399499195
Nutmeg; http://www.chickensmoothie.com/oekaki/image/image.php?id=1954839&size=large&format=auto&rev=1401403496
Quinn; http://www.chickensmoothie.com/oekaki/image/image.php?id=1991118&size=large&format=auto&rev=1404143561
Gabriel; http://www.chickensmoothie.com/oekaki/image/image.php?id=1989791&size=large&format=auto&rev=1404695124

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Liked by: sooshy


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