

Ask @Charchar2heheh

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Ok... I know I'm a little late, but I'm just seeing this brain hurt of an anon. I cannot even fathom why you would so randomly, so un-triggeredly be such an asshole. Who the hell are you to decide what kind of art people are supposed to like? -

daretodream12890’s Profile PhotoDare
Liked by: sooshy

Who are you to think you are so freaking mighty that you can just decide what kind of art is mind boggling for some one to like? Screw you. You obviously have your head up your ass. If your problem is that char is popular, then suck it up. With popularity also brings the assholes like you.-

daretodream12890’s Profile PhotoDare
Liked by: sooshy

But it obviously says something that there's about 10 loving posts after your sickening one. Char bby isn't popular without hard work and a kind heart. She had earned this. If your problem is many others deserve it more than she does, well I don't think I have the right to disagree. -

daretodream12890’s Profile PhotoDare
Liked by: sooshy

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I'm not saying you don't deserve it char, I'm just saying there's plenty other artists with skill through the roof that get nothing, I just suck at wording xD. Anyways, yes. Many others deserve it also, but hey, char played her cards right. And she isn't only popular because of her WONDERFUL art, -

daretodream12890’s Profile PhotoDare
Liked by: sooshy

she is popular because of her LARGE heart. Char and I barely know each other and she's in the past gifted me a character because I told her if she made one like it is buy it. That's a true and genuine heart. And that's one thing I cannot say you'll ever have. -

daretodream12890’s Profile PhotoDare
Liked by: sooshy

Anyone with half as much caring, compassion, and genuineness as char would never say something like that to another human being. I understand your goal is to hurt those feelings, or perhaps you would have provided kind critique instead. So I went tell you how your words can hurt, -

daretodream12890’s Profile PhotoDare
Liked by: sooshy

but I will tell you that your either a jealous ass, whom I hope others realize this in your real life, or you are simply just a normal ass, whom I also hope people realize. Now for char, I'm sure you already know to ignore them based on your reply to them, -

daretodream12890’s Profile PhotoDare

so I'm just going to remind you how much I love and admire you, as well as the journey you have made, and are still going on <3 ily char, love, a pretty unhappy dare

daretodream12890’s Profile PhotoDare
Oh my, Dareee ; vvv ; You are such a sweetheart, I don't even know what to say<33
Liked by: sooshy mintyMocha Dare

Post a picture of your pet!

My little darling Allie <33 q v q Wearing a scarf cause ... idk |"D
I also have an adorable holland lop named Pixie but no pics of her on my phone ;A;
Dangit I miss my pets ;_; Being on vacation is fun but wahhh Q n Q
Liked by: Dare

CHAR ARE PEOPLE GIVING YOU A HARD TIME. THIS IS TROLL ON IGNEEL'S ASK.FM BUT. I WILL FIND THEM. AND THEY WILL SUFFER. Your art is amazing- quite frankly I look up to you because you're really cool. Anon is a lil shit, and really no one has the right to be so rude. [-->]

AskIgneelTheDragon’s Profile PhotoIgneel
Liked by: mintyMocha Igneel Dare

[<--] If they don't like it they don't have to look at it. Char you're fantastic- don't let stupid anon get you down because they're not worth it. We're here and we love ya- even if anon's kind of a shit I know it was quite some time ago, but legitimately I couldn't sit back and not say anything. [-

AskIgneelTheDragon’s Profile PhotoIgneel
Liked by: mintyMocha Igneel Dare

[<--] Almost everyone who's popular or successful gets 'hate' from rude anons or just rude people- it's quite easy to chalk it up to jealousy. But Char you are phenomenal and despite rude anons all of us here still love and admire you because, quite frankly, you're awesome. Keep it fabulous. u v u

AskIgneelTheDragon’s Profile PhotoIgneel
Hhh oh my god, thank you ;///; frick that's so sweet and I just ... hhh thank you<33

Aww, don't listen to that anon. :c Honestly, if they don't like the style they don't need to look at it and frankly enough, there is nothing to stop anyone from having a style that they hate. As long as the style is unique to the artist and they like it, who gives a damn? Users are just jealous of -

Swiftalu’s Profile PhotoSwiftalu
Liked by: sooshy Dare

people getting popular just because they have an art style they don't like or a certain species they don't like. So what? It's not the artists fault for getting popular, it was the community itself who choose to give it the attention. The artist can't control it. Also, telling Char they haven't -

Swiftalu’s Profile PhotoSwiftalu
Liked by: sooshy Dare

improved is just nonsense. Char, you probably don't remember me from the Christmas Corp last year (Because I wasn't a very obvious user back then xD) But I certainly remember you and your art style, and in such a short time you really have improved! I'm sure you will one day be a skillful and -

Swiftalu’s Profile PhotoSwiftalu
Liked by: sooshy Dare

wonderful artist. c: Just keep going and remember that there are still many users out there that still love you and your wonderful style. <3 [end]

Swiftalu’s Profile PhotoSwiftalu
Oh my god, thank you so much Swift ;_; <33 -hugs-
Liked by: sooshy Dare

eeee the next plumerian is #200~ i can't wait to see it ouo

Yeah ... Sadly I can't even begin working on it til I get home on the 19th but I can post the cover (maybe x n x)
Liked by: Dare

Sorry I'm taking so long on my side of the art trade char! My pen pressure ran out so I have been trying to get used to fire alpaca ; * ; I'll get it done soon<33 Also, wow, some people are mean o.0 your art is amazing don't let people put you down

Falafel_Pie’s Profile PhotoFalafel Pie
No worries hon! Take your time<3
Ahh thanks ;u; <33
Liked by: Dare

record by now, but I just want you to know that I love your art so much ;w; OKAY IM GONNA STOP NOW LOL <33 I love u char bb <3333 KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK CHILD

Clawseh’s Profile PhotoClaws
Frick thank you so much ... I can't even ... -hugs-
Seriously you guys are the best ;///; <33
Liked by: Dare Claws

[cont.] those CS artists that I really adore their art and I want to be just like them. Even though I doubt it's possible with the rate I'm going x'D Your art is so fab and cheeb and so adorable, I don't know why people could ever hate on it. It's wonderful. I probably sound like a broken [cont.]

Clawseh’s Profile PhotoClaws
Liked by: Dare

Char don't listen to those haters, they are just really jealous >8U I love your art, and soooo many other people do, too. There are always going to be people that are gonna try to bring you down, but don't let them bABE!! eat their souls -wiggles brows- Your art is amazing and you are one of [cont.]

Clawseh’s Profile PhotoClaws
Liked by: Dare


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