

Ask @Charchar2heheh

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Are you going to make more plumerians? I love the species and am a owner of 1 plumerian that i love to death! (Taila, heheh its WowFace XD)

Yes! I make more all the time haha x'D
Oh hey! & thanks for the birthday message ;v;

hey char! <3 I love your designs! How do you come up with such creative techniques and colors every time?

omg !! ty aaaa
ummm I'm really not that creative, I just mess around with designs & colors I like, and whatever a commissioner might like ...
I can't really pull them out of the top of my head, but sometimes I'll see something and be like 'oh! that makes me think of a great idea ...'
tends to happen at, like, midnight, of course x'D and I forget half of 'em
but I dunno ;u;

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do you like marvel stuff, movies/comics/characters/etc?

hmm I'm not crazy into them, but somewhat? the movies are fun ;v;

do you prefer frozen yogurt or ice cream or neither ;u;

why not both? -mexican music-
I love sweets :D

How often do you smile?

I don't :[
Jk, but not often. My teeth are kinda messed up and I'm very self conscious of smiling uglily ;^;

wow not late at all xD pffft AND ALSO you should reply to our RP nudge nudge

//shoves in a corner
eheh yes |"D

Hey Char, im making you a b'day gift and i was wondering if you have a character that needs art or something?

amg! that's so sweet // v \\
currently I'm trying to get trout art<3
Liked by: revengeance

What's your favorite movie scene?

the matrix--
"Please remove any loose change, blah blah, something..."
-opens jacket and its full of guns-
Liked by: sharkkpaws aeiou.

awww :'( you make me 2 sad char ;^; anyway, whats your fav. character other than your fursona?? :p

;m; just having a bad day/week/life
uhmmm that's hard
at the moment, maybe riley?
((also is this possibly tiny-fire or are my sister-sensing senses off))

inspiration for ur username and are ur customs open?

um actually it's the name of this stuffed pig I got when I was a baby q //// q
'charlotte' but I couldn't say that so 'charchar'; and that was always taken so 'charchar2' as i have 2 of them anyways
and I've just sorta kept it idk
&& nope sorry ; AA ;

nohi meant have flick do his opinion on her >:D

OHH //derp
Flick;; I, uhm, ...
She's pretty darn cute. M'kay? Q // ^ // Q
-runs away-

What got you into arting, overlord char?

CS did actually, haha
I used to draw a bit, but not really
But then I found CS, and then the Oekaki, and that's where I got inspired to draw more, traditional and digitally ;O


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