
Billy Kearney

Ask @Billyyk93

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Why doesn't Alex model

No idea if we were together I'd be putting his pictures out right now but I don't want him to now that we aren't together haha

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ha...I get it..hmmm...and do you know that only u r bother he's follow with. ..am I bother u if my questions is bout u and x bf?? hufft back to sleep...huaaaaaaa...

Me and him are still friends and care a lot about each other

just wakeup ( 01:39 am) .and check instagram, u update selfie photo. ..and cheak who you follow with..and I found sorry u r x bf...and I click. ..get surprise coz no one photo of u there....

Alex isn't out a lot of ppl don't no he's gay

Do you like dark-haired people or...?

Doesn't matter, but more brow then blonde. Alex has light brow hair he's not BLOND! Haha just saying

Who was your first relationship with? Like, not as in first gay relationship. Just first relationship in general.

Only Alex

A lot of people ask you about the relationship you had with Alex. Does that bother you?

When its the same question about it, it gets rele repetitive so in that sense but if its a question other the did you guys break up its fine

I don't understand how people can find gay people gross. There's nothing gross that I can see.

Love is love, and if its not you I don't get why anyone she be bothered by it


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