
Back Row Baptist

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Can you join a church without your parents joining too?

I did. My parent had no interest in church, so I joined a church I found when I was 14. Still a member 16 years later. But if you are asking, "Can you join a church against your parents wishes?" That's a different story. If your parents are already a member of a church and what you to go with them, but you want to join a different church, I'd suggest staying at your parents church until you are an adult (unless they are obviously preaching against the Gospel).

What is your Fourth of July plans

My plan was to eat meat and watch fireworks and that's what I did, dang it. :) (Sorry for the late reply.)

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Have you ever experienced a miracle?

If you mean some unexplained supernatural event of grand design, I don't think so. But if you're asking if I've seen God move in a way that I cannot explain any other way, countless times. I've seen men and women who've been addicted to something for years turn their lives around completely after coming to Christ. I've seen the worst of society become people I would trust to watch my son. I've experienced situations where, despite my own failings and sins, God protected me in a way that most aren't. I've seen enough to convince me of God's existence and movement, too much to be coincidence.

If you would, please say a prayer for me. Finally trying to get serious in overcoming porn addiction and would really appreciate all of the support I can get.

DaveMcDowell’s Profile PhotoDavid McDowell
I'm sorry I'm just seeing this now, but yes, I will pray for you. I hope things have been going well, but even if they haven't, don't give up. I relapsed dozens and dozens of times before I finally had my last "Day One", and now I'm 5 years clean and counting. God bless!

I'm a 17-year-old Christian girl, and I'm addicted to pornography, masturbation, and online sexual chat. I'm still a virgin. I don't want to talk to anyone about it. I want to keep it between me and God. Please pray for me. Do you have any verses that could help me or other advice for me?

I'm sorry I'm just seeing this now, but of course I will pray for you. I know you've heard many verses of truth, such as nothing can separate you from the love of God, but if you want advice, my biggest piece of advice is to NOT keep it to yourself. Addiction requires confession. You have to talk to someone about it who can work with you to help you overcome it. Everybody I know who've overcome these kinds of habitual sins have started by confiding in someone and getting an accountability partner. The Bible makes it clear time and time again that we are better together. I hope you'll consider that.

We just lost our pastor, he resigned because of lies that we're being told on him by our own church people. There's only a handful of real Christian Folk anymore, It breaks my heart.

Mine too. Unfortunately, this happens far too often, because gossip is a real problem in Christian circles. A previous pastor of my church had something similar happen to him. There was a woman in the church who's car had broken down. She needed a vehicle, so the pastor loaned one of his to her for a while. However, when one member drove by late one night and saw the pastor's car at this woman's house, the gossip machine began. It was clearly proven that he never did anything nefarious, but once gossip sneaks in, it's almost impossible to remove that doubt from people's minds. I'm sorry for your church. Our had to go through a major church split years later to remove those who continued to spread gossip. It was hard, but ultimately beneficial. Praying for your church.

Why do we, as Christians, take prayer requests?

I'll tackle this question soon. When I do, I'll answer this question again with a link to the post.

Why did you delete all your previous questions and answers?

Because most of them were answered as my fake persona. Making a fresh start.

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