
Armin Ibrisagic

Ask @Arminposts

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Hey Armin, do you have maps of all goat levels just like the map in the start menu of Goat MMO? This will become useful for speedrunners like myself :). Thank you!

wait.. how do you speedrun goat simulator?
Liked by: Meghan Richardson

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20 days and no questions?

I've been on vacation! Also, you've had 20 days to think about a good question and this is the one you want to go with?

How can you and your dev team have so high imagination and creativity? I want to know so that I can prepare myself as my childhood is so terrible and fulfilled with false beliefs and sort. This is not a troll question.I really want to know that (but do not tell your development's business secret).:)

aw man, sorry to hear about that! When we started it was a bit hard to get good ideas going, but once you get the first crazy things working, it's easy to just go with the flow and see how far the rabbit hole goes. good luck!

What do you think it means when someone says 'it's so hard to let you go because deep down inside of me I still hope you'll love me back'?

I don't know anon. Some types of love can never die, but they can never live either.

Do you have a swift windsteed in WoW? Because if not I will make it my personal mission to get you one because goats.

That guy Dean
haha no i don't, i'm not really a mount collector in WoW! I'm more of a PvPer ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Liked by: That guy Dean

What is your opinion on Steam refunds?

Refunds are absolutely needed on Steam, but I think Volvo will need to make some changes to the system before it'll be equally fair for indie devs compared to AAA devs. Lower the time limit to one hour instead of two maybe?
Liked by: MisterTtocS

Do you have a pet goat? If not, then will you get one? What would you name it?

nah man i live in an apartment. maybe if i had a big house I'd get some animals like Jeff Minter
Liked by: That guy Dean

will craft goat be added soon?

no, we can't add it to the xbox version of the game. we couldnt get it to work

This face :) indicates that you guys got something goof for us on GS...

there's always some goof going on :)

Holly sheit theres a shopping goat on gs ios!?!

hmm i'm not sure if it's in iOS yet. I don't think we could get it to work for release

My 4 year old nephew REALLY wants to know when is the builder goat going to be fixed for GS 360? I also ask this, because he wants to play this with me ALL the time, and he ALWAYS asks me, and it's driving me crazy ;-;

Oh man I have no idea. The fix is easy to make, it's just that we have to resubmit a completely new version to Microsoft if we are to patch the game, and that can take several months to be certified and pass through their system. We'll definitely patch and fix it sometime in the future, it's just that the process is far more complicated and time-consuming than people might think.


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