
Armin Ibrisagic

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what's your major ? M.S

I studied a 3-year programme in video game design in Sweden. I don't know what major that makes D: but college education isn't really super important, to be a game developer you just need to kinda make games.

Have you ever own a real goat? what was her/his name? how did he/she inspired you? o.o

hahaha no, i haven't. I wish i did though!

Just want to say thank you for the games you have made/are making. I love them all and you're doing a great job :D

th-thanks, y-you too <3

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Do you find being popular a nuisance at times?

I've never seen myself as popular, but I'm really happy that people like the games that I've worked on so much, and it means a lot when they just give me a small shout out over twitter or something.
To answer your question, I do get roughly 10 funny goat pictures or videos (that I've already seen) forwarded to me every day. It's like every person that finds something funny with a goat in it on the internet thinks "hey I'll send this to the goat simulator guy", he's gonna find that HILARIOUS so there's that I guess.
Liked by: Jace

When can we expect Goat Simulator T-shirts? I can't wait to rock one around town.

We're actually working on some Goat Simulator merchandise right now and we will have something to show you guys very soon :D

Assuming that you have the "The more we get together" song license, how about including it as an in-game track? Would be epic for multiplayer games. :D

I think they allowed us to use it on our Youtube video, but I don't think we have the full rights to the song. I'll look into it, it would be fun :D

Are the Broken Achivements in Goat Simulator going to be fixed? If yes, when could we expect them to work? (Couldnt be that hard making the Robot not disapear and giving you a Achivement when you are on a certain point of the map (Parkour) ) Hope you will answer my Question.

Yes, they're going to be fixed but I can't give you an ETA as we'll want to roll out a patch that fixes more than just the achievements (we can't patch every single issue seperately because that would result in constant updates for everyone).

@icculus has now posted (4 days ago) pictures of Goat Simulator working on Mac and Linux. What do you think about this and what do you expect will come from this?

Hopefully it means that the game will be up and running soon on Mac and Linux, or I will get stampeded to death by apples and penguins

Have you considered taking the Goat Simulator IP into other mediums, such as film, theatre, comics, novels or table top games?

It would be fun yeah, but it would cost us a lot of money and time, and we prefer to spend our time and money on making video games instead. With that said, there might be some Goat Simulator merchandise in the future, such as mugs and plushies and shirts. :)

I am a smaller guy, weighing less than <60 kilos. Knowing that, would I enjoy Goat Simulator 1.1 or a Story About My Uncle more?

i dont see how that's relevant but you should try out both the games, they're awesome

In what ways has Goat Simulator affected your life?

Every time someone in the world finds a funny goat-related video or picture on the internet, they send it to me now. So I get like 10 of those a day. That video of a guy on a motorcycle with a goat on his back has been forwarded to me like over 100 times now. I want to be dead.
Liked by: !!!!! Meg~

Hi I am the smiler guy 108 on steam, and if i try load up the new map on Goat sim, it won,t load :( I tried validating files and realoading, this bug has affected other people as well. pls can you realase a patch to fix this so i can try the new map thanks :) My goat sim runs on 32bit as well :P

oh, sorry to hear about that! but please post this on our support forum and not on my ask.fm. our support peeps will help you there

How did you learn how to dev(program) games and get picked up by Coffee Stain?

I went to game design college for 3 years and made tons of games in gamemaker at home. Most important thing if you want to be a game developer is to just make games and everything will work out :)
Liked by: Jace

I'm just done with reading the story behind the first map in goat simulator (heaven and hell stuff) and damn that is some serious shit right there D: I wonder what is all about in the newest map

Masterczulekodpowiada’s Profile PhotoMasterczułek 忍者
i dont want to spoil :D

Did you guys record the goat call (old and 1.1 update) yourself or did you buy those off the internet as well?

Haha, we actually recorded them ourselves. One of them is me bleating, actually. It was probably the most fun I've had on my job ever.

Baaaaaa... It's 3rd June and I don't have an update for goat simulator yet. What is happening?

The patch is coming today, calm down thomas. We just came into our office and we're finishing everything up, then we'll upload it at the end of our workday.
We don't have a guy at our office waiting until midnight to click the upload button

Apart from maybe some bug fixes, is there any differences between the patch 1.1 beta available now and the final version of patch 1.1 coming June 3rd? Like, any additional goats or secrets added since the beta?

There most definitely are :D

Is there is one thing about Ryan Gordon (@Icculus) that you would like everyone to know, what would it be?

That it is him you should ask about the Mac and Linux port, not me =)

Do you have any news on the Mac version of Goat Simulator???

I'm not the one working on the port, Ryan Gordon (@Icculus) is, so you might want to ask him :)

Are there any features you still want to get into Goat Simulator that you haven't yet, or might not ever be able to?

Yes, we want to make a bread goat.
Liked by: Jace


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