
Amanda Ho

Ask @AmandaHo98

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What do you do to entertain yourself?

i look at myself in a spoon while tellin anthny how funny i look idk i did that once and i kept laughing LOL
Liked by: Daniel Lee Asmah

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Français oui oui. Je voudrais avoir un jambon et fromage omelette s'il vous plaît avec un côté de jus d'orange.

wat, aint no restaurant here gtfo LOOOL hi
Liked by: Asmah

Do you think you're brave?

idk but i remember while i was in NY, in a Starbucks, there was a super long line of people waiting to go to the bathroom and like, all the people in front of me seemed like they RLY RLY had 'to go'. then suddenly, this huge group of french girls or whatever decide to cut in front of everyone which leads to everyone around looking pissed rofl. since i can speak french also, i was like o god amanda go tell them to gtfo and go to the back and like, i was contemplating whether or not i should do it omg. in the end, i went up to them and i was like, (in french) " do you know how many people have been waiting here for a super long time?? if they piss on the floor, do you know who the blame would be put on????? you just passed like 14 individals, go to the end of the line " and their faces were like " wtf she speaks french wtf bitch " but they ended up saying " oh yeah, you're right haha sorry " and went LOL I WAS CRYIN CUS THE PEOPLE IN FRONT TURNED AROUND AND WERE ALL LIKE omg thank you *clapclap* and the asian man in front of me just looked at me like good job LOOOOOL anyways i didn't pay attention to those girls but my friends said they were talkin shit lmfao anyways on a serious note, idk but i've overcome alot of me fears ya i find that pretty good

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Liked by: Daniel Lee Asmah

You are a ball of joy. The positivity that comes from you is immense & I think alot of us need someone like you in our lives. Thank you Amanda, may whoever you end up with treat you like a precious little gem & love you as much as you love them.

anon. thank you, thank you very much. i don't know who you are but your words touched me, that was very sweet of you. i do hope the same for you, hehe as there is nothing good that comes along with negativity. HELL YE NIQQA THANK YOU, made my night xx may life treat you good!!
Liked by: Asmah

How often do you smile?

say hi to me, i smile. say the name anthony, i smile. make me laugh, well i smile before laughing in a way lmfao. look at me and i will most likely smile. oh a question! idk i smile at anything really. farty's laugh, omg. smile fo daaays LOL. smile at me and i will smile back. sometimes i look at myself and say "well, today's weather might be shitty but a gloomy weather might just be what i need rn" and smile, for no reason lol WRITING THIS MAKES ME SMILE OK, SMILE EVERYONE !! hehe
Liked by: Daniel Lee Asmah

How are you "getting the fun"?

the fun ? ??? ? wat pls elaborate or something i mean r u talking abt sex or wat cus aint anybody touchin dis body
Liked by: Daniel Lee Asmah

What's Anthony like?

- he's really nice and polite even though i tell him he's rude whispers cus he says im rude
- sometimes i ask myself if he's funny or not and then realize he makes me laugh rly easily
- he may not be the super romantic guy but he can be cheesy af at 4am nbd LOL he's sweet
- wowza idk if that's what he does but he would stay up for u just to say good morning omg
- he listens when i talk !! well im pretty sure he does ?? n he remembers the little details ! !!!
- oh ya he's lvl genius when it comes to smarts AND IDC IF U DISAGREE, ANTHONY PLS
- he doesn't really cuss all that much like, it's rare, he doesn't do drugs or smoke gudboy
- he tells me to study when i have an exam, to the point where it looks like he tryna get rid of me
- whispers previous fact might just b true cries LOL ok jk ily thank u for being my 2nd mum ♡
- idk he isn't or doesn't seem like the jealous type but if he is, doesn't seem like it at all lmao
- you can say he's T R U S T W O R T H Y without a doubt unless he's saying that he's sexy
- 5"11' is all i have to say other than the fact that he's basically 8 inches taller than me
- he knows how to play a few instruments n can sing, APPARENTLY ! !!!!1!!
- i really do feel like i could just tell him anything without having to think abt if i should or not
- yo his voice and laugh lmfao never found anyones laugh n voice cute but damn
- idk we r comfy together, even when we met lol ya i could say we weren't shy or reserved
- he makes me happy without even trying lol huge dork COUGHS n nerd COUGHS
- o right, idk he answers when i ask him a q without tryna rly tease me so that's nice idk ty
idk i have so much more to say zz but to sum it up, he's extremely great ok bb is best

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Liked by: Daniel Lee Asmah

your dick is cute

oh my god dude i knew you were going to say that i was like either he says that or i say tell me my dick is cute SCREAMS COINCIDENCE OR WAT
Liked by: Asmah

I dont see why you couldnt call it cute

O_o ya ok if u want to go call a dick cute then u go do that LOL
Liked by: Asmah

so you're going to say cute?

wat, lemme ask you this- could you actually look at a dick or whatever he has LOL and say "cute" ?!?????? whispers unless it's small LMFAO IM CRYING IT'S 7AM AND I HAVE AN IMPORTANT EXAM SCREAMS
Liked by: Asmah

Has he sent you any nudes?

no and i don't think he would bc ive talked abt how gross it was before looool I DONT WANT UR DICK PICS. plus that beach pic is enough :-) LOOOOL
Liked by: Daniel Lee


Language: English