
Amanda Ho

Ask @AmandaHo98

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Is it more important to love or be loved?

if you're not loved, you don't know how to love. pls that better make sense, extremely tiring day, worked out for maybe 2 hrs. o man, my brain.
Liked by: Daniel Lee

What has been annoying you?

man oh man, nothing but i just thought about this and- it's just a simple thought ok. can most of u girls befriend one of those so called uljjang guys one at a time, bc i mean i see you jumping on all of them at once and you know, i'm not even saying anything bad abt those guys bc what can most of them do then to accept that all these girls call them oppa barfs lol. you know, those guys can also see that you're calling fucking every guy oppa and to you, it might seem like nothing, but to them, it might just seem like they're actually nothing special and their looks are what actually matter to you lol. if you're trying to be (overly coughs) """""friendly""""", slow ur shit down and sit down lmfao. there's nothing wrong with trying to be friends with everyone, but don't make some people feel like as if they're just another pretty person or whatever, nIQQA I THINK YOU GET WHAT IM TRYING TO SAY OK USE YOUR BRAIN TO UNDERSTAND THIS TOO ANd try to see from your point of view if you agree or not lmfao. OH OH YEAH YOU SEEM VERY DEHYDRATED TOO coughcosughcithdh.

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sieun is so ugly look at her recent selfie ew

omg i don't need to look at her recent selfie or anything to know that she's pretty wtf r u on, whatever we all have diff opinions but urs is bad BOO YOU, no need to fucking express it to me either lmfao smh


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