
Amanda Ho

Ask @AmandaHo98

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but i'm a Christian :-( saying ohmygod is bad i'm serious now omf

Liked by: Daniel Lee

yes bc ohemgee is actually spelt omg and you say omg as ohemgee so ehm I don't know why you're not

because das ratchet, sieun why r u making a ratchet side out of yourself ㅠ~ㅠ LOOOL JK because OH MY GOD has more impact than OH EM GEEEEEE
Liked by: Daniel Lee

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speaking about typos I made a typo once and instead of saying "omg" I typed "omt" and my friend was like, "since when did ohmygod change to ohmytit" cHOKES

omfg i remember making up and saying " omdfljg " which stood for " oh my dear fucking lady jeebus god " and the funny part is that, all of my friends actually knew what it meant LOL

idk apparently i'm really hilarious when I swear and when I make racist jokes or when I go sassy and bitchy on other people like wtaf I think we just have weird friends iDK and "swerbe" ew manda just ew

we hang with da special cliques.. BECAUSE THEY NEED USSS. LOL IT'S CALLED A TYPO SIEUN!!! a fucking typo.. ;;;;; 0;;; loool

but I do that I just stare at my friends with a straight face and they'd laugh and i'd be like, "is my face hilarious bc you're laughing like a faggot" and they'll laugh even more is this weird

maybe you actually just have stuff stuck in ur teeth, LOOOL. idk our friends r faggots that laugh easily and can't take us seriously so sWERBE ON THEIR BASIC BOOTIES
Liked by: Daniel Lee

#stopmanda2014 I have a feeling sometimes you're going to like talk to yourself and make the most lamest jokes ever and i'm just going to walk away like nothing ever happened

omgah screw u and ur on point assumptions LMFAO.. pls you're lucky you aren't with me irl or else i'd stare at you until you start laughing. im not kidding and it always works LOOOL.


oH YEAH RAKED IT ANOTHER VICTIM! LOL jk omg pls this is just my normal state, wHY ARE YOU JUDGING ME ALREADY /slowly lets a tear fall out of my eyeball
Liked by: Park Jung Woo

"acquaintances for now" my heart just bROKE

here's some super glue, don't let that happen again young lad cus a heart aint cheap. omg tho i just found out they actually fixed a somewhat broken heart with medical super glue LOL DA FCK??

LAUGHS OMF MANDA ( just gonna assume that your name is amada ). well, hopefully I get questions bc i'm like a fetus fucking baby here ohemgee. and I have like two friends on here but yeah. well I need some weird friends manda bae

my name's actually marissa but amanda is fine too, lmfao jk i don't even like the name marissa oops. omggg lets b acquaintances for now, aint getting too close, cus iM WATCHING YOUUUU jk you seem harmless LOL

"productive" that word doesn't exist in my dictionary tbfh - well I just got my askfm acc as you can see so eh i'm all new here ;;;A;;; I need friends otl

ok " to get things done ", lets go with that then lmfao. omggg ayy niggy welcome to askfm, the world of fake kawaii asians that aren't quite logical most of the times, the world of popular weirdos, the world of uh irrelevant hate n then you have my world, aw yeah the coolest. LOLJK. hi there i find it extremely weird, EXTREMELY let me emphasize that, when people ask shit like " can we be friends " so " lets go with the flow and see what'll happen " is what im gon say lmao

it's like good afternoon so none of your guesses were right OMF. nothing really, just you know stalking people and being on twitter (: hbu?

omfg i was going to write that but hesitated, LOL. wellll i told myself i was going to be productive as soon as i got up but, it's been 3 hours and i'm still in bed.. YOLOYOLOYOLO lmfao. tbh i'd stalk also but i have no one to stalk looool.
Liked by: Daniel Lee

Not like you missed me, you twit.

omg loool. who would miss a ratchet dimwit nyways, pls. AHAHA you're fucking gay and we need to catch up so hmu.
Liked by: Daniel Lee

What would you ask the President?

to barack obama :
lol hi barack, how do you feel about a little asian girl in canada going around saying niqqa everywhere pls be honest niggy it's just a question


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