
Amanda Ho

Ask @AmandaHo98

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Of corse they dont dare ask u out becuz they fear rejection lols

.. lMFAO. what even omg then it's their loss, right ?? do u like me or somethin, u anon.
Liked by: Asmah

"Pimp" say Anthony all the time and it's known that u are liked $:

what the fck LOL, fck farthny. omg uh yeha im liked sure but it doesn't necessarily mean that they ask me out or anything or that i have ever liked one of them back ??
Liked by: Asmah Daniel Lee

Yah I see many guy ask you out why never say yes

.. am i supposed to know you or something omfg and bc no is shorter ah haha ha

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*really sad moment* -2mins later- "Ok go get ur violin u butt were going to practice" I see what u did, I seeeeeee

omfg SHHSHSH it worked, for now i'm guessing. it's bc music is one of his passions and it makes him forget everything, he literally just focuses on what he's doing at the time. so i messed up at one part bc sleepy and he was like ' amanda wtf restart that now, hurryhurry you butt we're going to play until you get it perfectly !! ' and at one point i fell asleep lOL MY BAD. ok anyways im happy and hope you are too.

What's the last thing you bought?

a friend off of eBay, he's cute and understanding omg soulm8 oNLY 10$ AND NO TAX GUYS HURRY BC IT'S LIMITED OMGOMG I CANT WAIT TO TRY HIM OUT EEEEEEP AahaHAAHAHA this is how i am when i am supposed to be studying and shit but im not omg gdi hi pepol talk to me

Aw you're going to call eachother how cute ♥

Park Jung Woo
i sAID MAYBE. lmfao, gtfo. dude i got to study ugh, like i dont complain normally but this is too fucking much no joke. i even showed you yesterday ya know, the pile of papers and such- yeah that's all homework. sOBS.

Wotfuq how have you not caught a cold yet

i got my boos taking care of me, ya know. lOLJK well ya but i um i seriously don't know. strong immune system ?? working out helps, being in shape helps i guess, idk man i wonder too

Hi you're a wonderful human being bye

dont know if that's u tryna hit on me or if you're just doing a random act of kindness. yoU SEE PEOPLE, THESE KIND OF THINGS CONFUSE ME SO YEAH BE SPECIFIC ABOUT WHAT YOU'RE DOING lmfao jk thank you very much, bet you are too!

What do you dislike?

meh idk but when someone tries way too hard to become friends with everyone jfc play it cooool, niqqa i dont even try but i dont even want to know everyone lmao what's the use of having 183747464 so called ' friends '. they're just like you, trying to be friends with every pretty person lmfao o god hiLARIOUUUUS. gIVE SOME LOVE TO THE 'UGLIES' TOO !!! fckng wiejsksidka

You so thought that was Billy mdr, MDR LA LAIDE HAHA. SIL AURAIT TOUT LU TU SERAIS FOUTUS.

Park Jung Woo
Liked by: Asmah Daniel Lee

I AM AWAKE WTF LOL. If you're calling on Skype, I'm not even on right now. If it's my phone or whichever that you're calling, it's probably upstairs in my room so sorry because I was drawing in the basement. Gtfo and go get ready first tho, I'm going to hit the showers. Good morning also.

omfg it's ok lmfao mais mon ventre fait vraiment mal gdi. :( anyways ya ok ttyl feggt, dont take 30 mins tho.
Liked by: Asmah Daniel Lee

What are you doing?

quietly wimpering bc pain while trying to call this feggt but i think he's still asleep and ive called 15 times already and he's a heavy sleeper gdi fuCK YOU WAKE UP lmfao o im still in bed and my stomach feels like it's going to explode and im freezing, no joke my hands are like shivering

hey ho. just tried ask fm for the first time. any suggestion for a newcomer?

Bill Widjaja
omg bill hi, yOU JUST ALMOST FREAKED THE FCK OUT OF ME LMAO. i thought you were my cousin and i went wTFFFF. ok anyways, no not really ?? you just answer questions on here. you could post your link on ig or whatever tho lol. omgomg wtf tho awiridnsk good morning.
Liked by: Park Jung Woo

Voyons donc t'exaggères vraiment! C'est jolie alors de quoi parles-tu! Don't restart it mdr. Va étudier pour ton autre matière, aller. Good luck on your exam, you can do it! Mm, merci et toi aussi! <3 xx

Park Jung Woo
but i dont find it nice omg. ight fine, whatever. thanks et pas de quoi jfc arkdmeidjs reposes toi bien, tu le merites lmao xo

As-tu fini avec ton texte?

Park Jung Woo
oui. omfg you asked me to hurry tho and it looks like crap jfc wHY'D I HAVE TO HURRY ANYWAYS. ugh ok juges et je te botte le derriere !! gdi i feel like you cant even read it omg fck ill re-write it and show you again ok. bon, bonne nuit. fais de jolie reves le laid, lmao. ttyl yo, back to studying. pce out gorl scout.


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