
Amanda Ho

Ask @AmandaHo98

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i found my nintendoge so i'll be okay i guess dhjskshda i'm gon name a doge after you lel (-: probs gon pokemon all day and idk

omfgLOL OK TAKE CARE OF ME U FCK. how could u even just play pokemon all day long i dont think id be able to do that lmao

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ACTUALLY WHO NEEDS DOGE WHEN YOU GOT POKEMON X ajdhfdakjsfhalk hi amanda how's your day

lmfao jfc mAKE UP YOUR MIND LADY and my day has been great so far omg just got back home and like i bought candy and chips bc i didnt go trick-or-treating and now im alll hyper and on cam so like oop and yehahaha going out against l8er woOoOOO. wbu tho?
Liked by: Park Jung Woo Asmah

You really don't know what to say to me OOLOLL

o ok im unfollowing u bc too many questions/answers that i dont wanna see on my feed but ill check ur profile from time to time now come on kik and go wtf amanda at me LOL
Liked by: Park Jung Woo Asmah

T'es sérieuse? ROFL. Yeah peeps, we're officially dating now. Happy one day anniversary, boo.♡♡♡ Haha, oh mon dieu. I'll talk to them later. ㅋㅋ

Daniel Lee
ya huh omg. lmfao, ya one day anniversary boo. we gon go faaar. yark arrete, j'ris trop lmao. wtf hell to the no, you aren't going to do that omg.

Ah its ok you dont need to know :) Ilysm noona

what the fck kiddo, what u tryna do here. ain't accepting no love from that strangerrr dangerrr lmfao. yeah ok then, stay anonymous. this noona will never love you back lmaoao.

Good morning, love. Oh, I meant loser, rofl.

fck u losr, lmao. yo they're all coming like oMG YOU'RE ACTUALLY DATING YAY ILYSM BLABLABLA and im like lol what ???? jFc these pepol. farthny hasn't said anything yet tho, ahehha.

What's the best way to spend $1,000,000?

donations, fight world hunger bc it's one of the biggest problems on this planet- even in developed countries, help my family or whatever and id probably keep some of it for my future children ?? there's just so many things we could do with that money.

Liker = Date or not & Rate?

omg this is funny bc i actually know that this will get max 2-3 likes and two of them will be from feggts that i will be harsh with hahehaha so ya ok
Liked by: Daniel Lee

Ok so I don't know if you're going to see this in time but, by looking at you, I think you're more focused on sprinting right now so I'm taking this chance to gtfo and shower, LOL. You win, dork. Gg, you did great. Go shower soon too, I planned something!

40mins ago. omfg. fck u that was why i couldn't hear anything omg i kept yelling ur name u fckr lmao. whatever ttyl

Message to a certain someone? v

uh.. ?? ok um u person u, i legit miss you. i miss how much we talked. how much we would laugh together. how much we would just go ' uGhhh wtf ' at the randomest times lmao. how much we actually seemed interested in eachother. now it just seems like it was a one moment thing and that it's never going to be like that ever again and that i don't mean shit to you and soon enough, you might just not mean much to me anymore either and just the thought of it makes me want to be sad and just, wow i actually want to go workout for another hour to keep my mind off of it but it's not going to work omg i just miss it all. we talk from time to times but, it's not the same. it all just seems so fake lmao, no joke. i might seem like i got over it all already and that i already like some other guy but truth is, no i have yet to get over it so don't assume anything alright and ask me when you have a question or whatever. if you actually want to cut me off or whatever then tell me. tell me and we'll be gone from eachothers lives. no, im not being overly dramatic- im being realistic, im not going to keep someone there just to keep lingering my feelings for them around and shit ok. ill probably just try to forget it as fast as possible and move on. you said this yourself, that you would let the other go if that's what they really wanted to do. it's the same here. it's not that i don't care, i'm just way too tired and i get annoyed and frustrated by it too much, i think about it too much, so im not going to keep things this way if it's going to affect me this badly. that's not me being selfish either, it's called taking care of myself and realizing who's worth it and who's not, who would truly be there when i need them, it's realizing who the people that care alot about me are. o god idk where im going with this either and i wrote alot already so ill just, stop here and go shower ok bye omg. idek if all of this made sense or if i should have written all of that but whatever, will probably delete later. this probs sounds stupid to most of you. sorry if this is so long lmao. u donot need to read omgomg woh.

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My back is sweaty as fuck. Bet yours is even worst tho. ㅋㅋ Can't believe you're actually wearing that huge hoodie and those fucking thick sweatpants. Girl tie your hair up too, rofl.

don't know if you took a second to look at yourself in your fckn gym room full of mirrors but, your back looks gross o my jeebus ur shirt lmfao. good job ?!!


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