
Amanda Ho

Ask @AmandaHo98

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Have you spoken to him, today? Did you laugh because of him, today? Did he make you smile?

ya ya ya r u done now

Who's the person that you like?

wtfwtf, why do u want to know so badly lol.. im not telling u bc no and esp bc ur on anon

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Write a future letter to your future boyfriend.

Dear future boyfriend,
I do hope that our relationship lasts long. Lets not be dumb fucks and ruin it because of small stupid problems that we can easily resolve. Lets trust eachother, yeah? Maybe not right away.. It might take a few weeks, maybe months.. But as long as we end up trusting eachother, that's all that matters. Caring about eachother, making eachother happy, loving eachother, trusting eachother, positivity, patience and determination are what's most important for our relationship to succeed. Of course, we'll probably have arguments here and there, but that's totally normal. Uh, don't be shy either when you want to say something.. Just do it. If there's anything that's bothering you, just tell me and we'll discuss about it. If you're a total asshole, tbh i'd really be questionning myself and i'd be like, why the fuck am i dating you lmfao. Whatever, we'll be able to work it out. Ok idk what else to write because i'm tired and sleepy lmfao. I'll add more later?

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You really shower each five days? ._.

OMFG AHAHEHAHAHAHAHAHAA DED NO OFC NOT wth is this wow omfg i shower each night !!!

Who is it?

someone you never thought id like lmfaoaoaoao. but wow, u- the one reading this rn, dont get too cocky and think that im talking about you bc uh, it's probs not you lmao

Do you hate anyone atm?

nop, hate is quite a strong word. but i do hate what someone's doing rn. that's it tho.

What do you normally do when someone annoys you?

go " wow stop it youre annoying can u turn it down a bit " or just try to indirectly show it but if it doesnt work, back to #1 lol. idk, not many ppl annoy me.. it's quite hard to get on my nerves??

Do you like anyone atm?

like- perhaps i do like someone. but lmao i doubt that feeling will last long if the person keeps fucking up hehhahahah

What have people noticed about you that you didn't?

omFg stuff like how; when i smile, my eyes kind of slightly close lol; most of the time- after i smile, i would start laughing; i often make funny faces while playing the guitar; .. i brush my teeth with my left hand even tho im right-handed.. lmao; i hold my tablet or whatever in a specific way that i shouldnt bc it's easier for it to fall on my face?? IDK LOL idk what else so yeah

What bothers you a bit?

uh, how some ppl will only ask you how you are so that we ask how they are and most of the time, they aren't ok like they're depressed as fuck or idk. ya ok it doesn't bother me to help the person, bc i like helping ppl out, but seeing the amounts of fucks that they give about how i am??? lmao just idk, dont bother asking me how i am, cut the crap and get to the ranting lol but whateverrrr

1 inch nose width??

can i fucking kill u already lmfao die u dumb !!!!!! might aswell delete every sel a i have ajfnjwjssjsj ?!!!!!

ur ghey

oh and what's wrong with being gay u little prick, tell me now. better not bring religion into this, ill foq u up i swear omf

Are you a shopaholic?

can someone tell me why i dont go shop alot, can someone tell me what consequences there would be if i were to go shop alot pls omg totes not man.


Language: English