
Amanda Ho

Ask @AmandaHo98

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WHY NOT YOU ASK YOUR 'FRIENDS' FIRST. and they are not my friends. but i know them. but as for you. why not ask your 'chris' or his friends. to clear this shit and man up and not deleted all his accounts and be like "fucking live me alone, " stupid dumbshits

lmfao moronic, o god. i don't see anything wrong with you asking those people to do so, though.

not 'assumptions' because it's real. I found the real 'jayson choi' whose name is not even jayson fucking choi. and the other guy idk what is his name (fake name made by fake ppl) but he is eric's bestfriend and these fake ppl even changed that guy name lmao.

just because you believe that it is real does not, not make them assumptions and look, if you're so confident, not that it really matters, why don't you come off anon and show who you are, i mean, you do believe that what you're saying is true so what is there to be afraid of, hm?

if he could not fucking do that. it is obvious that he is fucking fake.( i said "you're fake" on christ ask fm not so long ago and in 3 hours after that he fucking deleted his ask.fm twitter and instagram .

lol he didn't delete his ig wtf

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AND THAT'S IT. CHRIS IS ETHAN COUSIN OR FRIEND IDK. SO IF ETHAN IS FAKE. CHRIS IS FUCKING FAKE TOO. just wake up and face the reality!. ask him to take a picture and write his account or his name on a paper or whatever it is to make him looks legit.

u should ask ur "friends" to do that

and that;s your so called friend who created 20+ accounts. also. he faked one of this guy and he named the guy as jayson choi something when the real one is actually 'kim' pathetic much.

but these are all just assumptions jumbled up together. i don't even really care, maybe if you get your friend's friend to speak up and try to explain all this but until then, swerve

Hello. from what I heard your 'ethan' lives in korea then moved to USA. explain that shit.

why the fuck are you even bothering tho, i told you from the start that IDK ETHAN, person who i really talk to is CHRIS, u can hop off wth im just saying what i think

Please. They are really the real ones (james/ eric choi). Just because you talk to them for like 2-3 years doesn't make them real . pff and a friend of mine know eric in real life

well good for your friend but i do remember a situation where the same person, created two accounts and lived like as if one account was rather, fake, to have a different "social" life than his other one, a more popular kind. idk man, it isn't of my business so

(2) doesn't mean you can't speak Korean fluently. Because Korean parents will teach their childs to speak korean at home and they will deff have friends who is korean because they like to be in a group with the same people like them. speak the same languages.

but u can't generalize that thought, it isn't the same for every korean kid like hello just saying and just because you take classes, doesn't mean you're going to be good at it

Excuse me, when they live there. They will go or take Korean classes because Korean parents doesn't want their childs to lose their culture' sorry if my english isn't good.i just read the ask.fm from the other anon and yes. even you're korean that lives outside from korea.(1)


Mdrrrr que les meufs te laisse

amen LOL bof que des conneries auxquelles je me fiche un peu beaucoup, honnêtement

and the real one was born in canada.

well who tells you those people who you think are "real" are actually the real ones?

so you're not suspicious when chris or the 'ethan' and others deleted their insta.twitter.ask.fm and made a new one? xD duh and the fake ones could not even speak korean properly but still claim themselves as korean. when the real james speak korean all and english.

idk i don't rly see where you're coming from because the reasons to why they delete aren't related to your/peoples suspicions of them being fake, also uhhhhh alot of them still have the same if, etcetc alot of korean-americans/canadians etc don't have the perfect korean, i mean ya know it's understandable.

Eric HAN is fake. the real name is eric choi. zz

what if he just decided to keep his real last name private, im just saying

Bonjour, quand reviens-tu?

allo, allo! ah, ça, je n'ai honnêtement aucune idée :s désolé! sûrement dans quelques jours?

you're as stupid as those fakers

smh and you sure have alot of time to waste and to hate on people you don't know

yo wtf even if this kid is fake don't mean you have the right to step in and screw up his in real life too. what kind of asshole are you

^ bae is mad, not a good sign

i'm currently talking to James real friends on here lol. they were like "what the fuck" damn. i dont know how this person have times to created so many accounts just to please him/herself

idk tho like chris is still a good homie so ya know, can't just immediately believe

i'm not nice myself too. But I feel bad for the real ones. -_- why faking? lol like some of them arenot even related in real life. the chris you r talking about is making multiple accounts to make himself legit

THAT'D BE MAKING LIKE 20 ACCOUNTS, shit would be craycray if true wth

and if you look at the real james ask.fm his questions are mostly in korean. while ethan? copy and paste? tbh. ethan are pretty rude. more rude than the real one

rather ttue but ya know, im not very nice myself either lmao


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