
Amanda Ho

Ask @AmandaHo98

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Thing is; Amande doesn't exactly waste her time on thinking about what her insecurities are. Lol, that makes life so much easier! L'Amande est vraiment quelque chose, je peux te le dire, ça!

nan mais mdr, t'es laid. et bah merci, huh. yooo je suis morte. va sur line svp.

Amanda doesn't like one of her fingers but thas all ROFL

yes yes i don't like one of my fingers, that will be taken in note tyvm LOL WHAT EVEN my fingers r ight yo
Liked by: Daniel Lee

Do u have any insecurites at all?

i don't 100% like my body but im progressing and it's changing so it's not a problem and i cant really think of any rn so sorry lol
Liked by: Daniel Lee

Why do you cover your face in like all your pictures then lol

oh lmfao that's nothing tho ?? me and my friends were kidding around with line camera and i just got used to doing so, it's not bc i don't like my face or anything so yeah
Liked by: Daniel Lee

Compensating for insecurity

oh LOL NO. is it wrong for me to be so confident or something lmao, i really do have nothing to be insecure about. i accept myself for who i am, well im progressinly changing some stuff up but it's not negative or anything so yeah. i don't really get where you're getting all that from doe.

Mdr mais la personne a l'aire d'avoir été la depuis longtemps hein

c'est aussi ce que je pensais lol, mais c'est meme mieu! ce n'est pas quelqu'un qui arrive en assumant de ci et de ca, alors ca me fait plasir.
Liked by: Daniel Lee

I don't think you're "strong" or anything, you just kind of seem arrogant and insecure to me

hm, nice assumption/opinion. i respect it. all i have to say is- i have nothing to be insecure about so idk what you're talking about and arrogant? yes perhaps, it's the too high of a self-esteem that goes with it too. idk if hate or not but lol i enjoyed this, it's amusing to get honest thoughts so thanks!

hi amanda sup

bored to death, someone pls get me new wifi or by the time this app loads- we'll be announcing " 2008-2014almost, sad event happened on a saturday night, this amazing gorl had to die cus no one would get her better wifi screw u all " yes, quite accurate.
Liked by: Daniel Lee

Thank you c: You're so nice, I hope you had an amazing day too! -Bei

aw omg, you only get what you deserve! IM TALKING ABOUT WHAT IM DOING OK LIKE BEING NICE AND STUFF YEAH lmao omg that's really sweet of you tho, thank you very much! i hope your day was nice and that if it wasn't, hopefully it'll end nicely! omfg tho im watching the conjuring rn and lol first mini heart attack in years aoeiiaw what are you doing?


I KNOW YOU WANT ME BUT LETS CONTROL OURSELVES, SHALL WE !! btw do you want to watch a movie or something bc im gon go do that rn, LOL idk if you're bored, just asking


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