
Alissa Acosta

Ask @AlissaAcosta

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No, just in a general sense of lifelong struggles.

Ohh, yes, of course. I'm not THAT ignorant, unlike some people of this generation.

Are you aware that someone has it WORSE than you do?

?? I'm positive that I haven't mentioned anything about me going through a situation I can't handle.

Do you think crying is a sign of weakness or strength?

I don't know... I know it's not any of them though. Crying is a form of expressing an emotion. Whether it is from happiness, sadness, joy, anything. So I believe it is a perfectly normal thing.
Liked by: Puali Akiyama

You mean a Durian? Those thigns are NASTY!!!!!

Oh no, haha. It looks similar to it, just not the inside. It has black seeds in it and the inside is like white mushy stuff. But I heard a durian smells really gross but can taste good though xD

What's the most delicious fruit?

Darn.... I forgot what it was called but it has like a spiky outer part.... idk. But yeah, I think a lot of fruits are delicious though. Like bananas, grapes, tangerines, blah blah blah xD
Liked by: Lei Anne Sunday

You're so sweet not matter what kind of creepy questions you get. I admire your innocence and I wish you a happy full life

Awwww x) you made my morning. Thank you to whoever you are.


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